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Tides of Chaos: Grants Advantage on next Attack, Save, Check

To Hit Bonus: +5 (str 3 + prof 2) for sword AND spells

Damage Bonus (melee): +5 (str 3 + dueling 2)

Action Surge: Extra Action

Second Wind: Bonus Action Heal 1d10+4


4 Superiority Dice

Precision: add d8 to attack roll

Menacing: on a hit add d8 to damage Wis Save or target frightened of you til end of your next turn

Parry: use one superiority die to reduce damage taken

Arcanist's Strike: On successful weapon att cast spell if superiority die rolls higher than spell level (will always work with cantrip). Sacred Flame for 1d8 is ideal.


Hex [L1]: Bonus Action 90' No Save/No Hit - 1d6 Necro every time you damage the Hexed creature. Disadvantage on one attribute. Concentration Spell. Dex is save vs most spells, so a good stat to target.

Guiding Bolt [L1]: Action 120 Spell Att/No Save Advantage on Next Att if successful

Burning Hands [L1]: Action 120 (cone) Dex Save/No Hit 3d6 Fire (save=half)

Arms of Hadar [L1]: Action Self/10'r Str Save/No Hit 2d5 Necro + no reaction that turn Save = Half

Hellish Rebuke [R]: Reaction/wounded Dex Save/No Hit 3d10 Save = Half

Eldrich Blast [c]: Action 120' Spell Att/No Save 1d10 Force

Sacred Flame [c]: Action 60' Dex Save/No Hit - 1d8 Radiant

Thaumaturgy [c]: Stuff