Black Korrwn

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Name: Black Korrwn, Race: Human. Hair; Black, but the name is more about his heart than his hair.

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

S 18 +4 D 13 +1 Cn 14 +2 I 10 +0 W 12 +1 Ch 8 -1

Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +1

HP: 15/15

AC: 11

Crime: Piracy +2 Profession Sailing, Swimming. Both are class Skills

Class Abilities: Fast Movement +10', Illiterate, Rage 1/day

Rage: +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class for up to 7 rounds.

At the end of the rage, the barbarian loses the rage modifiers and restrictions and becomes fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength, -2 penalty to Dexterity, can’t charge or run.


Improved Unarmed Attack

Power Attack


Class: Climb (Str 4)+1=+5, Craft (Int) +0, Handle Animal (Cha -1) n/a, Intimidate (Cha -1)+1=+0, Jump (Str 4)+1=+5, Listen (Wis 1)+2=+3, Profession: Sailor (Wis 1)+1+(2)=+4 Ride (Dex 1)+1=+2, Survival (Wis 1)+4=+5, Swim (Str 4)+1+(2)=+7.

Non-Class: Knowledge: Geography (Int)=+1, Move Silently (Dex 1)+2=+3, Spot (Wis 1)+1=+2

Language: Common (Spoken only).

Equipment: Various lice, fleas, and other vermin. Heavy chains (locked). A twisty bit of filthy rag.


Out near the edges of the world fierce people still live, who know no law, and hold no man as king. They are hard lands, that breed hard, unforgiving peoples, who often see places like Talingarde as a jewel that can be easily plucked.

Korrwn was on his first voyage, in the raider's slender vessel, yet already his mercurial rage and black moods promised to make a name for him among his people.

The first merchant vessel was easy prey. The crew were slaughtered, the goods seized, the vessel burned. Yet news of the murderous pirates spread, and soon merchant vessels sailed away as fast as they could. Pickings grew slim. And then the Talingarde warship arrived, sleek and clean, with billowing sails and filled with marines in shining armour. Korrwn readied his weapons -- but none of the barbarians were prepared for the great golden-headed ram of the warship. It shattered barbarian's craft like it was kindling. Heavily armoured barbarians sunk beneath the waves. Archers picked off those who could swim. But eventually they grew tired, and half-drowned, Korrwn was fished from the water.

Some fancy popinjay explained that his trial would be a formality, his execution an example to the People of Talingarde, that the scourge of piracy was over again. Since then he has remained in heavy chains, paraded through the streets and pelted with rotting fruit for his show trial, and kept in the most squalid dungeons imaginable. It might break some, it just feeds Korrwn's rage.