Godbound: Blood and Oil:Stoic Depth Explorer
Name: Stoic Depth Explorer
Player: JeremyKopczynski
Campaign: Blood and Oil
Caste: Jade
Current incarnation: Trader with other nations
Previous incarnation: Captain who went down with his ship, Lector who was martyred in Kadmak for opposing Alchemical rule
Level: 1
Weapon: +2 Heavy Hammer (1d10)
Armour: None/ AC 4
Strength 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)
Dexterity 8 (bonus -1, check 13+)
Constitution 16; 18 from Endurance (bonus +3, check 3+)
Intelligence 13 (bonus +1, check 8+)
Wisdom 14 (bonus +1, check 7+)
Charisma 10 (bonus +0, check 11+)
Hardiness: 12+
Evasion: 14+
Spirit: 14+
Hit Points: 11/11
Experience Points: 3
Available Dominion: 1
Spent Dominion: 0
Installed Charms
Artiface (Inherent) - can make minor stuff out of raw materials
Endurance (3) Raises Constitution to 18
Body of Iron Will (1) - Lovers AC to 4
Unbreakable (2) - Spend Effort for day to gain invincible defense against physical damage
Stored Charms
Journeys (3) - Never get lost and travel is restful.
Dust at my Heels (1) - Always travel faster than others as long as Effort is Committed.
Swift Progress (1) - Commit Effort to travel at double speed and ignore environmental conditions and difficult terrain.
Know the Path (1) - Know the safest route that is not actively hidden from the world, fellow travels get sleep and food from travel.
Uncommitted (2)
Uncommitted (2)