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Glory this Year

Inherited Glory 301

Glory Bonus Points 4 SIZ, 6 Sword, 2 Battle

Personal Data

Age: 32 (born in 464)

Son Number: 1

Homeland: Salisbury

Culture: Irish

Religion: British Christian

Father: Sir Dinaunt, Vassal; by his wife Lady Bébinn

Father's Class: Vassal Knight

Lord: Roderick, Earl of Salisbury

Current Class: Vassal Knight

Current Home: Burcombe

Wife: Elaine

Arms Quartered in blue and yellow

Treasury: 63L 67d


18 13 12 13 16
Dmg Heal Move HP Unc
5d6+2 3 3 31+3 8

Distinquishing Features

Blond and bright-eyed


  • Chaste 16/4 Lustful
  • Energetic 17/3 Lazy
  • Forgiving 6/14 Vengeful
  • Generous 16/4 Selfish
  • Honest 10/10 Deceitful
  • Just 9/11 Arbitrary
  • Merciful 10/10 Cruel
  • Modest 16/4 Proud
  • Pious 11/9 Worldly
  • Prudent 3/17 Reckless
  • Temperate 16/4 Indulgent
  • Trusting 9/11 Suspicious
  • Valorous 18/2 Cowardly
  • Chivalry: Yes (+3 Armour)
  • Religious: Yes (+3HP, +2Dmg)
  • Famous Traits in bold

Directed Traits

Suspicious of Silchester Knights: +9

Cautious about Saxons: +2

Abstains from wine: +6


  • Loyalty (Robert) 19
  • Love (Family) 16
  • Love (Christ) 15
  • Hospitality 15
  • Honor 16
  • Hate (Saxons) 15
  • Hate (Picts) 14
  • Hate (Franks) 18
  • Hate (Silchester Knights) 25
  • Loyalty (Grey Wolf) 21
  • Amor (Elaine) 28
  • Concern (My Commoners) 7

Non-Combat Skills

Awareness Use Sharp Eyes

Boating (5)

Chirurgery ―

Compose Use Music

Courtesy (6) (+10 from Glory)

Dancing (3)

Faerie Lore (2) 10

Falconry (1)

Fashion ―

First Aid (10)

Flirting (6) (+10 from Glory)

Folklore (11)

Gaming (4)

Heraldry (1) 12

Hunting (2) 11

Industry ―

Intrigue (2)

Orate (7) (+10 from Glory)

Play (all) Use Music

Read (Latin) (0)

Recognize Use Sharp Eyes

Religion (British Christian) (3)

Religion (Roman Christian) 1

Romance (0) 10

Singing Use Music

Stewardship (12)

Swimming (2)

Tourney (0)

Music (10) 20

Sharp Eyes (8) 15

Combat Skills

Battle 21

Siege (10)

Horsemanship (7) 15

Sword (10) 26

Lance (5) 15

Spear (5) 10

Dagger (3)


  • Chainmail (11)
  • Shield (6)
  • Sword
  • 5 spears
  • dagger
  • Heirloom: 2£ Spanish Cloak

Horses Charger, 2 rouncy, sumpter

Squires 2: NAME (17), NAME (16)


  • Sir Conmail. Famously valiant. Knighted esquire from Conchobar's family. Heraldry.
  • Sir Dyfnwal. Famously valiant. Knighted esquire from Conchobar's family. Recognize.
  • Sir Culhwch. Cellen's cousin from Escavalon. A young knight. Famously energetic. Likes hunting.
  • Sir Mark. Lucas' cousin from Gaul. A young knight. Famously reckless. Likes hunting.
  • Sir Fidgen. Ordinary. Proud. Awareness.
  • Sir Amlin, a cousin of Pillounes. A notable knight. Flirting. Seneschal of Birchford and Hillfort hundreds.
  • Sir Kevin. Paid for by Bledgur for 10 years starting in 492. A notable knight. Famously valourous. Falconry.
  • Sir Caradoc. Notable. Valorous. Intrigue. Constable. From Hantonne.
  • Sir Lucas, Emrys' cousin arrived from Gaul. Gallant. A famous knight. Stewart of Wilstown. Famously pious. Religion (Roman).
  • Sir Alein, Conchobar's elder brother. A bastard. A famous knight. Marshal. Faerie Lore.
  • Sir Guy. Lithe build, shock of red hair, likes hunting and gambling. A braggart, but a loyal friend. A famous knight. Famously proud. Gambling. Champion.




Village. Hate Landlord -2

Mill, Bakery, Village Church, 5 Hamlets, Sheep Herd, Apple Orchard, 3 Stone Weirs, Mellisarium, Fishery

Manor: Large Wooden Hall with tiled roof, Enclosure; DV 7

Steward: Elaine

Ancestral lands, held as a grant



Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet, Dairy

Manor: Wooden Hall

Lands by marriage, held as a grant




Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet

Manor: Wooden Hall


Lands by marriage, held as a grant

Nether Wallop


Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet

Manor: Wooden Hall


Lands by marriage, held as a grant

Winterbourne Dauntsey


Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet

Manor: Wooden Hall


Lands by marriage, held as a grant



Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet

Manor: Wooden Hall


Held as a lesser gift, at the Earl's pleasure



Mill, Bakery, Village Church, Hamlet

Manor: Wooden Hall


Held as a lesser gift, at the Earl's pleasure

Yearly Glory: 80


Family Characteristic: Natural Musician (+10 Play(all))

  • Old Knights: 0
  • Middle-Aged Knights: 1
  • Young Knights 2 (Including Conchobar)
  • Other Lineage Men 11
  • Levy 63


  • Old Knights:
  • Middle-Aged Knight: Sir Dalan (Age 54), Conchobar's Uncle
  • Young Knights: Sir Alein (32), illegitimate older brother to Conchobar.

Other Living relatives

  • Mary, Paternal Aunt, Married
  • Siobhán, Maternal Aunt, Married
  • Sinead, Maternal Aunt, Married
  • Dubthach, Conchobar's son, 4
  • Bébinn, Conchobar's daughter, 3
  • Dinaunt, Conchobar's second son, Elaine's twin, 1
  • Elaine, Conchobar's second daughter, Dinaunt's twin, 1
  • Fedelm, Conchobar's third daughter, 0
  • Cecilia, Sinead's daughter, 4

Deceased Relatives

  • Ivaens, Great-uncle in law (old age)
  • Dinaunt, Great-uncle (Decrepitude)
  • Pádraig, Brother (Died of illness)
  • Ruaidhrí, Cousin (Died of wounds)
  • Brian, Cousin (Accident)
  • Bébinn, Mother, Re-Married (Died of illness)
  • Bellias, Paternal Uncle (Unknown Cause of Death)
  • Pádraig, Maternal Uncle (Unknown Cause of Death)
  • Brigit, Maternal Aunt (Died in Accident)
  • Brónach, Maternal Aunt (Died in Childbirth)
  • Aodh, Younger Brother (Died in Hunting Accident)

Experience Checks

Passions and Traits

  • Chaste
  • Energetic
  • Generous
  • Reckless
  • Temperate
  • Honour
  • Love (Family)
  • Love (Christ)

Non-com Skills

  • British Christian
  • Faerie Lore
  • Folklore
  • Hunting
  • Sharp Eyes
  • Stewardship

Combat Skills


  • Sir Trevor, for Elaine
  • Duke Ulfius, for revoking Elaine's lands in Woodland, and for killing Sir Bles
  • Sir Claine, for having led a raid on Elaine's lands, and for slandering Tyngyr's sister
  • Sir Blains, for kidnapping and raiding. Temporarily sworn off for Pillounes' sake
  • Sir Manhogan, for having wounded Lupina
  • Merlin, for kidnapping and ensorcelling