Empyrean: Airships & Alchemy

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Why is the world an eternal and endless sky? How did it come to be? It's a question you must have asked yourself a thousand times no? In Khamsin the Alchemist-Poets, the Sha'irs tell a story, a story of a Great War that once raged across the world.

The First Caliph, whose name has been lost to history had a daughter of unsurpassing beauty. But the Caliph was a cruel and wicked man and he locked the Princess away in a tower hidden within a secret oasis deep within the great desert where no man would ever see her. But what the Caliph did not know was that the oasis was the meeting place of The 5 Divine Princes of the Jinn, those Elemental spirits of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Wood which had formed the world and maintained its balance and harmony. On the night they met, the Princes heard the girl's mournful song and went to see who it was that sang with such beauty and sadness.

Upon seeing the Princess each of the 5 Princes fell in love with her, each one desiring the girl to be his own. They traveled to the Caliph's palace where each one demanded that the Caliph give over his daughter to them. Then the Caliph, vain and foolhardy and desirous of power declared that he would give his daughter to the Prince who proved himself the most powerful of the Jinn. Thus did the Great Elemental War begin...Air was the victor.

An Endless Skies Fantasy Setting for Fate Accelerated Edition

Worldbuilding Thread

Recruitment Thread

In Character

Out of Character

Dramatis Personae

Crew of Maria

  • Captain
  • Ursalaine "Ursa" Galois
  • Eli Ashrahai
  • Simon Greymarket
  • Nala Safaa
  • Ghost







An arid windswept realm that once was the mightiest of them all. But over millennia, the blistering winds and violent sandstorms have taken their toll and Khamsin is now but a shadow of its former glory as the islands that make up this once vast Empire slowly erode and crumble into dust.



An archipelago of temperate-to-subtropical volcanic islands full of lakes and rugged, but lush scenery. The feudal states battle among themselves vying to be the supreme warlord of the archipelago. Their battles and machinations, however, are constrained by the complex network of moral codes, loyalties, and traditions that must be maintained if one wants to maintain legitimacy as a ruler.

Fūjin has been heavily influenced by Vayu, from whom they borrowed much of their technology, and with whom they trade often (and engage in piracy oftener).


The Ancient and Respected Order of Alchemists

The Seraphim


The Churn

The shortest route between Valia and Khamsin is through the Churn, a dangerous region of tricky winds, many small islands, and often thick cloud. Large ships are well advised to steer clear, but the possibility of saving weeks can be too great a temptation. Naturally, the Churn provides a haven of sorts for pirates and others who wish to avoid the navies of major powers.

The Firmament

The Gulf

The Nether



Produced naturally by Skywhales and harvested from their remains, Ambergris is the substance that allows airships to sail the skies. Smaller vessels sail on the Ambergris currents that follow the Skywhales. Larger vessels require greater lift and therefore carry their own supply that is used up as the vessel traverses the skies.



Boltlock Pistol

Lightning Arquebus

Flora and Fauna
