SP Rapunzel

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Character Name

Hero Points X

Movement Primary: Secondary::

Current Conditions


File:Template.jpg (Comment: As set up, this requires that the picture be uploaded to the Wiki. Replace Template with the name of the picture)

Personal Info

Physical Description


Career / Daytime Activities


8 (limited to hair)Str (0 Pts)

0 Agl (0 Pts)

0 Fgt (0 Pts)

3 Awe (6 Pts)

0 Sta (0 Pts)

0 Dex (0 Pts)

5 Int (10 Pts)

5 Pre (10 Pts)

Characteristics Total: 26


  • Grab Attack Bonus +8 Attack DC 18 Notes: Hair only
  • Throw Attack Bonus +8 Attack DC 23 Notes: Hair only
  • Unarmed Attack Bonus ++8 Attack DC 23 Notes: Hair only


6 Dodge Base 0 + Purchase zz (xy Pts)

6 Parry Base 0 + Purchase zz (xy Pts)

6 Fortitude Base 0 + Purchase zz (xy Pts)

8 Toughness Base 0 + Powers/Adv/Equip 8

10 Will Base 3 + Purchase zz (xy Pts)

Defenses Total: 13


Attractive 1: +2 Deception/Persuasion
Benefit, Wealth 1: Well-off
Close Attack 8
Connected: Know people that can help me out from time to time. Persuasion DC check.

From powers
Benefit, Ambidexterity: No circumstance penalty for using off-hand
Chokehold: If a grab is performed successfully, can suffocate target
Fast Grab: When she hits with an unarmed attack, can make a grab check as a free action
Improved Disarm: No penalty when attempting to disarm, and they don't get a chance to disarm her
Improved Grab: Can make an grab attack with one arm, and are not vulnerable when grabbing
Improved Hold: Opponents have -5 penalty to escaping a grab
Improved Trip: No penalty for tripping opponent and they do not get an opportunity to trip.

Advantages Total: 11


(Please list all skills in the following format)

Total Athletics 8 + 2
Total Deception 5 + 2
Total Expertise (Pre, Acting) 5 + 4
Total Expertise (Int, Science) 5 + 6
Total Insight 0 + 3
Total Intimidation 0 + 5
Total Investigation 5 + 2
Total Perception 3 + 2
Total Persuasion 5 + 4
Total Ranged Combat 0 + 8
Total Technology 5 + 6

Skills Total: 18


(If your character has Equipment, please list here. One item to a line, with Equipment Cost for each Item, and Equipment Total)


(Please list all powers in the following format)

20Hair Shield Dodge +6, Parry +6, Toughness +8
2 Prehensile Hair Elongation 30 feet, +2 to grab Limited: Hair
8 Prehensile Hair Enhanced Strength Limited: Hair
6 Prehensile Hair Enhanced Trait: See Advantages
5 Prehensile Hair Extra Limbs 5 extra limbs
6 Prehensile Hair Movement Safe Fall, Sure-footed 2, Swinging, Wall-crawling 2

If a power is an Alternate, please show as Rank 9A (9DA for Dynamic Alternates). If a compound Power, place Power name by itself on the first line, then show each power within the compound power on a line below it.)

Powers Total: 52


Fame: Star of the hit sitcom "[TBD]", this person is often recognized by people who remember the show.

Motivation: Doing Good: The character just wants to do something meaningful to help people out.

Quirk: The hair sometimes seems like it has a mind of it's own. It sometimes moves in ways that reflects the characters hidden feelings.

Reputation: While powers gained from the arches are not related to what the person wanted to be changed, people assume the character must be shallow and just wanted a changed to their appearance.


Starting PL: 8

Earned PPs:

Spent PPS:

Character Math

Characteristics Total XX

+ Defenses Total XX

+ Advantages Total XX

+ Skills Total XX

+ Powers Total XX

= Total Points YY