Forgotten Freedom:Birthday

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Martha approaches Terra and Lisa’s room carrying a couple of packages. Gregory is standing attentively outside the door and snaps to attention as she approaches.

Martha: What a fine young lad you are standing out here for Lisa.

Gregory: Thank you, it’s a shame she doesn’t have time for me.

Martha: Well dear she does have a lot on her plate at most times but I’m sure she appreciates your determination. She even trusts you to protect her family by guarding the door.

Gregory: Well I guess that is true but it just seems so pointless.

Martha: Not everyday can be exciting. The times you remember will be the few exceptions when something extraordinary happens and you step up to save the day. Most of your life will be spent waiting for those few times.

Gregory: I suppose, I just thought life as a paladin would be more exciting.

Martha: It is also important to cherish the small things. Balance is an important part of any life.

Gregory: Thank you Miss Greyholm I’ll try to remember that.

Martha: Good do you think I could see Lisa or Terra?

Gregory: Of course (opens the door and calls to Lisa)

Martha: See dear you are more important than you think.

Martha steps into the room and Gregory closes the door. Lisa comes out and greets Martha.

Martha: That is a fine lad you have out there protecting your door. You are lucky to have him.

Lisa: Yes he is certainly dedicated.

Martha: That is what I was just telling him. He seems to think that you don’t appreciate the work he does.

Lisa: With everything that has been going on it’s hard to find the time.

Martha: Well remember that our friends are what define us, speaking of which I have some gifts for your daughters.

Lisa: How nice of you, sweaters I would guess.

Martha: Of course deary but also something else for when they do that shape changing thing. Can you guess?

Lisa: Umm… no.

Martha: (holding up the smaller packages) Booties. To make sure they keep their feet warm while they are out running around like little animals.

Lisa: Oh… I’m sure they will love them.

Martha: Well I’ll let you give them to them later I have to get back to my kitchen it is a dreadful mess for some reason.

Sarah and Elina are getting ready for school when Terra walks in and hands them each a package.

Terra: These are from your aunt Martha. You should wear them to school today.

Elina and Sarah open the packages and find the orange and green sweaters with their first initial on them.

Elina & Sarah: …

Terra: You’ll look so cute and Martha would love to see you in them.

Elina: But mom…

Terra: No buts you need to learn to respect your elders.

Elina: Fine

Terra walks back out and the girls change. After seeing them off to the school portal Lisa turns to Terra.

Lisa: Wasn’t that kind of cruel?

Terra: Maybe but you have to admit it is hilarious.

Lisa: Well yeah it is. You aren’t going to make them wear the booties too are you?

Terra: No, poor fashion is one thing but interfering with functionality is completely different. Natural weapons are one of the greatest benefits of shape changing.

OOC: I wanted to do this earlier when Serene was down the rabbit hole but never got the chance to write it up with her

being pulled in and out of it. So instead I will do it moments before the wedding. Don't worry it is neat and self

contained just had to do it.

The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is

lost, for none now live who remember it. It began with the creation of the Great Girls.

Three were given to the Half-Elf, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.

(Image of Terra with Lisa, Elina, and Sarah standing in front of her.)

JJ: That is so cute... Hold that pose... Say cheese.

Terra: No don't do it he might come back. Just take the picture quick.

Elina and Sarah shrug.

Elina & Sarah: Cheese.

(Camara Flashes)

Cheese: I. Like. Chocolate. Milk.

Terra: Of course it took three times...

Lisa: He isn't that bad.

Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls.

(Image of Martha standing in front of a painting.)

Martha: Its just disgraceful those girls flashing their ankles out where anyone can see them. I refuse to let you look

and further disgrace the great dwarven people.

And nine, nine girls were gifted to the race of men, who, above all else, desire... sure lets call it power.

(Image of Jarlot on a beach surronded by beautiful women.)

Jarlot: This is totally worth it regardless of any eternal servitude that might come later.

But they were, all of them, deceived, for another Girl was made. In the land of *******Terrek's Plane*******, the Dark

Lord Terrek forged in secret a master Girl, to control all others.

(Image of Terrek working furiously away in his lab.)

And into this Ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. One Girl to rule them all.

Terrek: mwahahahaha muhuhahaha mwahahaha mwa ha ha

Serene is in her room getting ready for the wedding when she suddenly disappears.

In a dark cave Serene reappers. She looks around but doen't notice anything until Gollum Jarlot is suddenly behind her

stroking her hair.

Gollum Jarlot: It came to me, my own, my love... my... preciousssss.

Poor unfortunate redshirt that got the short straw


Frodo Jarlot: If you ask it of me I will give you the One Girl.

Satnak: Yeah.

Frodo Jarlot: That's not your line.

Satnak: The only reason you aren't a pile of goo is that we are both in wedding dresses and if I stain them now we

won't ever get them clean in time.

Frodo Jarlot: ...fine.