Lucina Asparya

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NAME: Lucina Asparya SPECIALTY: Ministorum Priest REGIMENT: The 24th Nehal Light Infantry (Homeworld: Schola Progenium; Commander: Maverick; Type: Light Infantry; Training/Disciplines: Sharpshooters, Infiltrators, Sappers. Condemned)

Weapon Skill (WS): 40 Ballistic Skill (BS): 38 Strength (S): 35 Toughness (T): 30 Agility (AG): 25 Intelligence (INT): 32 Perception (PER): 30 Willpower (WP): 33 Fellowship (FEL): 30

WOUNDS: 14 FATE POINTS: 3 MOVEMENT: 2/HM 4/FM 6/C 12/R XP SPENT: Parry (100XP), Counter Attack (300XP)

APTITUDES: Ballistics Skill, Fellowship, Leadership, Perception, Social, Strength, Weapons Skill, Willpower

SKILLS: Common Lore; Imperial Guard, Imperium, War, Ecclesiarchy Forbidden Lore; Heresy Scholastic Lore; Imperial Creed Linguistics; Low Gothic High Gothic Navigate (Surface) Sprint Deadeye Shot Stealth Security Tech Use Trade; Technomat Inquiry

TALENTS: Unshakable Faith Resistance to Fear Blind Fighting Technical Knock Berserk Charge Hatred; Heretics

Weapon Training: Chain, las, flame, low tech

SPECIAL GEAR: Ecclesiarchy robes, flamer, chainsword, book of scripture