Forgotten Freedom:Birthday

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As the final touches are put on the reception buffet line, Chalky approaches dragging two large bags that seem to be moving.

Chalky: I have something here to add to the buffet. Their names are Jimmy and Warren.

Norbaz: Buffett?

Chalky: You pronounce it buffet the T is silent

Norbaz: No they have two T’s in their names so you pronounce them.

Chalky: Really?

Norbaz: Yeah but don’t worry Jimmy can sing for us and I’m sure Warren is worthwhile to ransom.

Chalky: Could we eat one of them… turning over a spit… with a nice honey glaze?

Norbaz: I suppose, after all people are eating the chili.

Chalky: Well take Jimmy he should have some good flavor and Warren might be to gamey. I’ll go get to work on that ransom note.

After being called away for the wedding Alkran finds Jarlot at the reception. Jarlot is of course drinking.

Alkran: So…

Jarlot: Hmm… two questions equals two magazines. I am thinking Wildlife Conservation and… Dog Fancy?

Alkran: No… how about Zoobooks I can pass that off on Elin.

Jarlot: Excellent.

Jarlot takes the money and orders another drink while Alkran fills out the paper work.

Jarlot: The best part of drinking is that it goes with almost everything. Right now I am drinking to celebrate the wedding and my increased chances of winning. While it is good for celebrating it also works for drowning sorrows something I did a lot while I was captain. People drink to relax, to forget, and to have a good time.

Alkran: Alright, and my other question?

Jarlot: Well most people stop drinking when they have reached their “limit” but I haven’t had a limit for years and people like Terra and Michael are the same. The best way to get someone like us to stop drinking is to get us so drunk we pass out.

Alkran: So only when you are unconscious?

Jarlot: Well that, and if we can’t handle the hangover the next day we may swear off drinking for a few days or hours until we forget how bad the hangover was.

Alkran: So if we got everyone super drunk at the same time they might not drink again for a few days?

Jarlot: I suppose so, but I just stay drunk to avoid hangovers.

Alkran: So get them all drunk enough to make them pass out until they wake up with a hangover?

Jarlot: That could work, at least one anyone with my Epic Levels like me. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some brides to dance with and more magazines to sell.