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“You can have peace. Or you can have freedom.” - R. A. Heinlein


|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills

Fight [d6]

Influence [d10]

Move [d6]

Notice [d10]

Operate [d8]

Shoot [d12]

Survive [d6]

Treat [d10]

Untrained Skills

Craft, Drive, Fix, Fly, Focus, Know, Labor, Perform, Sneak, Throw, Trick [All d4]


London Jack [d8] A true Londinium scoundrel, you can curse a man and spit on his boots with one breath and slip a lady's hand to your lips with posh words and ballroom manners the next.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Devil You Know: You got a ruthless reputation, but you might just be better than the alternative. When convincing someone to see or do things your way, step up or double Influence. 1s and 2s count as complications.
  • Jack Be Nimble: It's like your feet know where you're going before you do. Spend 1 PP to include your Notice die in any Move roll and add it to your total.

Highlighted Skills: Influence/Move/Notice

Former Field Medic [d8] You didn't learn to patch folk up at no fancy school. You learnt it in the war.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Battlefield Triage: You know how to get folk stable til you can see to em proper. Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury related complication.
  • Head on a Swivel: A battlefield medic has to see everything to get the job done. Step up or double Treat when tending to someone under adverse circumstances. Take or step up a Complication to do both.

Highlighted Skills: Operate/Survive/Treat

On the Way to Meet the Buddha [d8] If you should meet the Buddha upon the road, kill him.

  • Step Back: Roll d4 instead of d8 for 1 PP
  • Misplaced Nirvana: Every man carries a fist in his hand. When you violently Take Out an opponent you may spend 1 PP to step back a mental or social based Complication.
  • Walk the Earth: Folk ain't so hard to read. When you assess someone’s emotional state, spend 1 PP to step up or double Notice for the Action.

Highlighted Skills: Fight/Notice/Shoot

Signature Assets

Steady Hands [d8] Your hands don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about.

Mule Hoof [d8] Favored for its heft and unparalleled stopping power at close range, this heavy, compact pistol was popularized by medics, comm officers, and other Independence soldiers not issued rifles to carry into battle.

Medic's Satchel [d6] Everything you need to treat afflictions and wounds in the field.

Scene/Episode Assets

Character Bio

Birth Planet: Londinium

A battlefield medic in the War, Bean drifted aimless for a long time afterwards.