Broken Toys: Legacy 2nd Edition
The Homeland
The Families
The Digital Wardens (Synthetic Hive), played by Verenes Aoene
Reach 1 Grasp 0 Sleight 0
The Wardens are nonhuman machines living in an underground complex lined and filled, every centimeter of it, with advanced technology.
Doctrine: Shepherds of Humanity - Your factories could rebuild civilization from scratch, if given the proper blueprints. You can spend 1-Data to manufacture 3-Tech.
Lifestyle: Settled - Your drones can be easily repaired. Spend 1-tech to provide professional care to any synthetic inside the Hive's holdings.
Nanofabricators: You alone control the miracles of nanotechnology. When you use your foundries to break down resources and reassemble them, pick one: • Spend 3-Tech to create any physical Surplus. • Erase a physical Surplus to gain 3-Tech.
Terraformers of Tomorrow: When working together with another Family, the effect of one of their long term moves will be implemented on a new scale of magnitude - either a much broader scale, or a far longer duration.
(Cultivators of the New Flesh), played by Cannonball
Reach 2 Grasp 0 Sleight -1
Traditions Populace: a mutual corporation of tradesmen and ranchers Style: sterile and analytic Governance: a pantheon – taking on nature’s aspects
Doctrine: Sculpting a New Humanity - When your family creates or tames a new species, they inherit one of its minor or cosmetic traits.
Lifestyle: Settled - Your family’s farms and facilities are extensive, and can work on the creation of multiple new Surpluses simultaneously.
Culture: When your family starts cultivating a new product, erase Surplus: Progress, Surplus: Medicine, or Surplus: Barter Goods. After a few months ,get the surplus back, plus: •Progress: get Surplus: Medicine, and 1 use of a medicine that can heal any harm box instantly. •Medicine: get Surplus: Crops, and a slow but steady population growth in the Family. At the end of the age, if you still have the surplus, gain Surplus: Recruits. •Barter Goods: get Surplus: Livestock and gain a few exemplary examples of the bred animals. If they’re used as mounts, add +2 to your Vehicles Investment when statting them. At the start of each Age, you can skip straight to the harvest.
Domestication: When a novel life form is brought back to your family’s farm, and reshaped to suit your needs, choose one: •Archive one of its traits. From now on you can add that trait to the crops and animals created by Culture, and have the drugs you create temporarily grant it to their users. •Corral a small breeding population of the organism. •Find a way for you to resist its abilities or avoid its dangers.