Trân Vân Olufemi

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Revision as of 17:47, 2 September 2017 by Atlictoatl (talk | contribs) (Signature Assets)
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Mental d8 Physical d8 Social d8


  • Craft d4
  • Drive d4
  • Fight d10 (Improvised Weapons)
  • Fix d4
  • Fly d4
  • Focus d8
  • Influence d8
  • Know d12 (Alliance facilities, the Triad)
  • Labor d4
  • Move d6
  • Notice d10
  • Operate d4
  • Perform d4
  • Shoot d4
  • Sneak d8 (Blending In)
  • Survive d4
  • Throw d4
  • Treat d4
  • Trick d4


Signature Assets

Ident Card d6
An Alliance-issued security document keyed specifically to Olufemi that grants him access to certain Alliance-run facilities. It’s not something a simple deck hand would carry.
[ ] All Access: Take a Haunting Secrets d8 Complication to gain entry to a restricted Alliance area with your Ident Card.

Triad Tattoos d6
There are more languages out there than just spoken words, and you’re wearin’ some on your skin. Those who’ve led hard enough lives, they’ll recognize the patterns, see the words, and know you for what you are. With the right audience, that’ll open doors, or shut mouths.
