Avengers EMH:Ms. Marvel

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"If I'm going down, I'm going down fighting." ("Avengers Assemble!")


Solo d8 — Buddy d10 — Team d6


Spirited New Superheroine
United States Air Force Major
S.W.O.R.D. Liason

Power Sets   Cosmically-Charged Kree Hybrid
Energy Blast d8; Subsonic Flight d8; Superhuman Durability d10; Superhuman Stamina d10; Superhuman Strength d10

SFX: Energy Absorption. On a successful reaction against an energy-based attack action, convert your opponent's effect die into a Cosmically-Charged Kree Hybrid stunt or step up a Cosmically-Charged Kree Hybrid power by +1 for your next action. Spend 1 PP to do this even if the opponent's action succeeded.
SFX: Immunity. Spend 1 PP to ignore stress, trauma, and consequences from energy-based effects.
SFX: Second Wind. Before an action including a Cosmically-Charged Kree Hybrid power, you may move your physicals stress to the doom pool and step up the power +1 for that action.
Limit: Exhausted. Shutdown any Cosmically-Charged Kree Hybrid power to gain 1 PP; recover power by activating an opportunity or during a Transition scene.

Specialties Combat Expert D8; Cosmic Expert D8; Vehicle Expert D8
Milestones   Not The New Girl Anymore
1 XP when you create a D8 or higher asset for a support action in a Team situation.
3 XP when you make a snap decision that proves to be best for the team.
10 XP when you lead the team in defeating a major foe, or are stressed out defending a junior member of the team.
  Alienated Loyalties
1 XP when you reveal a new stunt or resource associated with your Combat or Cosmic Specialties.
3 XP when you argue with your team on behalf of SWORD and/or SHIELD, or vice versa.
10 XP when you break ties with the team to fulfill your agency duties, or you sacrifice your standing in the agency for the sake of the Avengers.