The Tantumirean Heresy:Psychic Powers

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The many powers available to Psykers, which fall under five main "schools." In order to gain new powers, a Psyker must already have knowledge of the required powers, and either find tomes detailing the power or pay an expert to teach them. Psychic powers mentally drain and exhaust the Psyker, with more powerful abilities requiring more energy. Psychic powers also have varying degrees of danger, as does anything involving the warp.

Danger levels - The risk of bad shit happening when used:

  • 0 - Safe
  • 1 - Low risk.
  • 2 - Possibly hazardous.
  • 3 - Hazardous to the untrained
  • 4 - Hazardous.
  • 5 - High risk.
  • 6 - Catastrophic.

Exhaustion levels - How much the power saps the Psykers energy and mind:

  • 0 - Simple.
  • 1 - Requires concentration.
  • 2 - High level of concentration required.
  • 3 - Difficult.
  • 4 - Tiring.
  • 5 - Exhausting.
  • 6 - Lethal.



  • The psyker draws upon the energies of the Warp to galvanise the flesh, a possibly hazardous endeavour but one that can be essential to continue the warband’s efforts. Newly empowered, the Acolytes can continue afresh.
  • Prerequisites - Basic Knowledge of Biomancy.
  • Danger - 2
  • Energy - 3


  • Drawing on the electric field of his own body, the psyker projects crackling bolts of bio-lightning, transforming his very life force into destructive energy. Diviners often claim that one can tell much about the state of a biomancer’s soul from the colour and appearance of this power.
  • Prerequisites - Invigorate
  • Danger - 1
  • Energy - 1

Shape Flesh

  • Powerful biomancers are able to bend the living body to their will with great finesse. At the heights of ability, a psyker can mould flesh with an expertise any sculptor would envy.
  • Prerequisites - Smite
  • Danger - 4
  • Energy - 3


  • The psyker lashes at his target with tendrils of Warp energy. The vile power quickly strips the victim of vitality, draining its spirit with every caress.
  • Prerequisites - Smite
  • Danger - 3
  • Energy - 2

Iron Arm

  • The psyker’s flesh transforms, hardening into a slick, living metal, weighing him down but also rendering him incredibly resistant. His new form allows him to shrug off small arms fire and crush his enemies with his bare hands. Lasts ~10 (in-game) minutes.
  • Prerequisites - Shape Flesh
  • Danger - 5
  • Energy - 5


  • Focussing his mind on the injured bodies of his allies, the psyker energises their biology, initiating rapid cell growth. In moments, shattered bones re-knit, gaping wounds close and heal, and the effects of combat damage disappear.
  • Prerequisites - Shape Flesh
  • Danger - 3
  • Energy - 4

Life Leech

  • The psyker latches on to his target’s life force and tears it from the hapless victim’s body. The psyker absorbs this stolen essence, using it to reinvigourate and bolster his own flesh.
  • Prerequisites - Enfeeble
  • Danger - 3
  • Energy - 3

Warp Speed

  • Tapping into the power of the Empyrean, the psyker suffuses his body with energy, pushing himself beyond physical limits. While under the effects of this power, the psyker moves with unbelievable speed, ensuring that no heretic is swift enough to escape justice.
  • Prerequisites - Iron Arm, Endurance.
  • Danger - 5
  • Energy - 5


  • Drawing on his mastery of the living body, the biomancer accelerates his victim’s heart rate beyond the bounds of biological possibility. Betrayed by his own body, the target’s blood boils over, flooding his brain and bursting his over-taxed veins. Those nearby have their own hearts caught in the unnatural rhythm, suffering the same fate.
  • Prerequisites - Life Leech
  • Danger - 5
  • Energy - 5





Minor Powers