Welcome to Post-Apocalyptic Wisconsin, an RPG Campaign set in the State of Wisconsin in the 22nd Century after a [reversal] caused explosions (including those needed to operate the internal combustion engine) and electricity to cease to function. This in turn led to mass famine, disease and depopulation as the human supply chains, especially for food, was destroyed. We pick up "a few generations in" to the cataclysm as our protagonists are in a struggle for survival.
TBD - Please link to your Character page which should include the Character Sheet and Background. Email me if you need a sample Character Sheet on the Wiki, or with any help creating your Character.
We are using the Ringmail rules as written for the most part, although a lot of the weapons and armor will be nigh-impossible to find. Although perhaps someone can find them... Magic is excluded in its entirety.
Morale Rules - Ringmail Add-on
As this is a Post-Apocalyptic setting, I’d like to provide a bit more emphasis on how life’s necessities such as food, water, warmth (in Wisconsin), shelter – and just as importantly morale are essential for survival. In my opinion in a survival setting one’s mental state is just as important if not more important than their physical state when under these extreme environments. So I’d like to add a little plug-in to the Ringmail rules to address this.
To address this, I’d like to provide morale penalties and bonuses for food, water (or other drinkables; tea, juice, milk, etc.), warmth, shelter, clothing, other consumables and entertainment. These bonuses will affect individuals on skill checks, in combat, and over the long-term affect whether individuals are willing to join your farmstead, work with you, and stay there or leave for better pastures. With sufficient long-term bonuses (and minimal penalties), your farmstead can grow to a true center of culture and mutual defense. With sufficient penalties, your name PCs will struggle for survival (because they are short on food and firewood – who wouldn’t struggle under those circumstances).
The bonuses and penalties will not rely simply upon the existence of, but also the quality and quantity of items. This means we need to both qualify and quantify these items. One ration is enough for one person for one day. It will require time to farm and harvest crops, and then to process A Rations into B or C Rations as desired. Since it’s nearly impossible for A Rations to last the entire winter (see below), it will be necessary to store some as B or C Rations throughout the year.
If merely to stave off starvation, eating other people will allow sustenance but causes a -2 morale penalty if known to the consumers.
- A+ Rations – Quality non-perishable food from “before the cataclysm” such as Twinkies. Quality to eat,
but no one can make this stuff anymore. Requires no preparation. Lasts indefinitely. Rare.
- A Rations – Fresh, best quality of food. Requires on-site preparation, has minimal shelf-life (one month).
- B Rations – High quality preserved food. May be frozen, or dried. Requires preparation from A Ration
to make it a B Ration. Lasts 6 months.
- C Rations – Low quality preserved food. May be smoked or salted. Requires preparation from A Ration
to make it a C Ration. Lasts indefinitely.