Rook UW

Impoverished Military Scoundrel (Soldier of Fortune)
Scarred, Fierce and Sly
Mettle +2 Physique +1 Influence +1 Expertise +0 Interface -1
- Tactics: When you Open Fire or Launch Assault, you choose one or more consequences on a partial success (7-9), not the GM.
- Sneak Attack: When you get the drop on someone, Roll+Mettle. On a 10+, choose 1. On a 7-9, the GM will give you 2 of the following options, choose 1 of them.
- Kill them
- Injure them
- Rob/disarm them
- Capture/disable them
- Toughness: You can suffer two injuries of each severity, rather than one.
- Stealth: Whenever you can move around freely and are unobserved, you can choose to vanish without a trace. While missing, you may show up in the midst of events, as long as you can explain how you got there.
- Weightless: Ignore the Clumsy trait and/or movement restrictions inflicted by microgravity, low-gravity, freefall, climbing and jump jets. A successful (10+) Move while in those situations lets you describe a moment of exceptional acrobatic grace.
- A problem is solved with firepower (Military)
- A broken law goes unpunished (Scoundrel)
XP Earned
Facade: False identification/registry, disguised as something else. Crawlspaces, hidden compartments, false walls.
- Worn, rugged clothing with shitstomper boots and a utility cape (Class 0)
- Body armor (stripped down Krayt Corps gear): Class 1 Uniform, Armored (+2 armor)
- Telescoping stun baton (Class I: Melee, Shock, Concealed)
- Scary stormer rifle (Class II: Two-handed, Close/Far, Impact, Penetrating)
Debt and Favor
Special Moves
- As for the whole war veteran idea, I was thinking about someone who was uncomfortable to polite company simply by being a reminder of something that most people want to just sweep under the rug and/or confine to a nicely abstracted historical footnote. Both the fact that there was an actual war were a whole bunch of people died in probably very terrible ways, and the fact that some people were more or less coerced into it - uncomfortable stuff viewed from a position of privilege.
- Expanded: A military character from that time period could have been part of the forces defending the conspiracy or, more likely, part of the military force that fought against them for the honor of the Consortium, but the whole time period is one that makes for very awkward situations even today.