Undead Horde
Undead Horde AC: 7 Move: 30’ shamble Hit Dice: 12 Attack: +1 / Damage: 1d8 average weapon Morale: 12 Effort: 1 A shambling mass of lesser undead takes the field in this horde. While utterly fearless and hard to put down, they lack the intelligence and flexibility of living troops, and fail to show much self-preservation. They do, however, have a mindless lust for violence, and gain the Blood Like Water ability which they may use against its foes in lieu of an attack. Small Mobs can use this power once per round, Large Mobs can use it twice, and Vast Mobs can use it three times per round. The mob is made up of 2 hit die creatures, and is susceptible to powers and Fray dice that affect such foes.