Europa unchained:Caspar Petros

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Caspar Petros

Refresh: 5

Fate Points: 4





High Concept: Rogue Spark Cyberneticist

Spark Mode: The Flesh is Weak

Intrigue: Grew Up On the Streets

Action: Experience is the Greatest Teacher

Omega: Hellhorse Rider

Modes & Skills:

Spark (+3) Will, Science, Cybernetics (+4), Armorsmithng (+4), Rapport (+4), Athletics (+5)

Intrigue (+2) Athletics*, Burglary, Contacts, Deceive, Notice(+3), Stealth

Action (+1) Athletics*, Combat (+3), Provoke, Notice*, Physique, Vehicles


Physical O O O O O

Mental O O O O


Mild [2]: _________________________

Moderate [4]: _____________________

Severe [6]: _______________________


Scrounging: +2 to Burglary Overcome actions when acquiring materials for an invention or project

Paranoia: Gain +2 to Notice Overcome checks to detect danger

Personal Gear: Armor Plating: Armor 1

Personal Gear: Implanted Toolboxes: Never without a tool for tasks involving mechanical repairing or tinkering

Personal Gear: Brimstone (Mega Stunt)

• Function: Infernal Clank Horse

• Flaw: "Gift" Horse?

• +2 to Athletics when overcoming obstacles to movement while being ridden (1 Benefit)

• +2 to Athletics to defend against attacks while being ridden (1 Benefit)

• Fire - Breath: Weaponry 2, or Weaponry 4 at a cost (1 Benefit)
