After The Storm:CONFESSOR
Str: 10
End: 10
Agi: 12
Int: 12
Cool: 16
Carrying Capacity: 60/120
Base HTH: d4
Saves: Str 10, End 10, Agi 11, Int 11, Cool 11
Initiative: d6+1
Hits: 6
Healing Rate: 1
Power: 44
Att: (+0)
PD: 1
MD: 1
Move: 10
IP: 6
Weight: 100 lbs.
Mass: d4
Background: Crime / Social Work
Core Abilities:
Super Speed 10
Special Weapon 20 (rosary: Long Reach, d6+1 sharp, Psychic, Not Gear)
Physical Ability 10 (shapeshift angel/demon - enhanced realism)
Emotion Control 10 - 5 = 5: 16" (limited to Fear/Peace -2.5, must display rosary -2.5
Non Corporealness 10
Vulnerability (Entropy +2, -2 Def) -10
GEAR (2.5): -5 gear, -10 light partial, Armor 5/3/0/3
3.5 IP left