The Crinoverse is a shared super hero crossover setting created by the user Crinos for the Mutants and Mastermind setting. Originally created in 2008 as a writing exercise, The Crinoverse has gone on to spawn multiple play by post games, run both by crinos and by various players. Prominent Crinoverse players and DM's include Crinos himself, Yeoman, Kreuzritter, Silvercatmoonpaw, Kenseido, Arthur Eld, and many others
The Crinoverse uses Green Ronin's Freedom City as a basis for the setting, however it includes elements and characters from virtually every super hero setting, every cartoon, comic, anime, movie and anything else Crinos has seen and taken a shine to. Its basically the Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny of rpg settings.
Crinoverse Thread 5 Table of Contents
After experiencing.... difficulties with the current Green Ronin message board, The Crinoverse has been moved to the creative opens board. Since boards do not allow for the unlimited editing of posts like Green Ronin's boards do, this wiki page was made for me to add links to. I also encourage my fellow crinoverse players to come in and help me spruce up the place.