This is an Apocalypse World: Fallen Empires character played by Chronicler in the campaign, Empire's Epitaph.
Quote: "Judge me not by my looks, but by the power I wield." |
Male, Disfigured Face, Hypnotic Eyes, Ruined Nose, Gangly Body, Hooded Robe |
Cool: +1 Hard: +1 Hot: -2 Sharp: +1 Weird: +2 |
If you and another character have sex, you immediately plumb their psychic depths, whether you have the move or not. Roll+weird as normal. However, the MC chooses which questions to ask. |
⦻ Plumbing psychic depths: when you have time and physical intimacy with someone--mutual intimacy like holding each other in your arms, or 1-sided intimacy like kneeling over them while they’re bound--you can reach your mind into their soul. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 2. Spend your hold 1 for 1 to ask their player questions:
● What was your character’s lowest moment?
● For what does your character crave forgiveness, and of whom?
● What are your character’s secret pains?
● In what ways are your character’s body and mind vulnerable to me?
On a miss, you inflict 1 harm upon your subject, ignoring armor, to no benefit. |
⦻ Sorcerous puppet strings: when you have time and intimacy with someone--again, mutual or 1-sided--you can plant a command inside their mind. Roll+weird. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7–9, hold 1. At your will, no matter the circumstances, you can spend your hold 1 for 1:
● Inflict 1 harm upon them, ignoring armor.
● They take -1 to the roll they’re making now.
If they fulfill your command, it counts for all of your remaining hold and they’re free. On a miss, you inflict 1 harm upon them, ignoring armor, to no benefit. |
Incense: against reserve. Burn it where your subject will breathe it. While someone is breathing the smoke of incense against reserve, if you read them or use a mesmerast move on them that gives you hold, you get +1 hold--see reading a person, plumbing psychic depths, and sorcerous puppet strings. |
 Violation glove. Wear it. For your purposes--see plumbing psychic depths and sorcerous puppet strings--merely touching their skin with your violation glove counts as time and intimacy with them. |
Coin or Goods (8 keep) |
 Ornate Dagger (2-harm, valuable) |
Spare Robes (hooded) |
▶ Which one of you has slept in my presence (knowingly or unknowingly)?
▶ Nasus the Anointed: +2 |
▶ Which one of you have I been watching carefully, in secret?
▶ Thrice the Bonepicker: +2 |
▶ Which one of you most evidently dislikes and distrusts me?
▶ Emon the Hocus: +3 |