Holland Juno, the soldier from Jupiter
In Possession
Attractiveness [ATT] 4 (7-4)
Body Type [BOD] 8
Cool [CL] 7
Empathy [EMP] 7
Intelligence [INT] 9
Education [EDU] 6
Luck [LUCK] 3
Movement Allowance [MA] 8
Reflexes [REF] 10
Technical Ability [TECH] 5
Personal Grooming = 5 (+1)
Interrogation = 8 (1)
Intimidate = 8 (1)
Persuasion and Fast Talk = 8 (1)
Human Perception = 8 (+1)
Leadership = 9 (1+1)
Awareness/ Notice = 12 (1+2)
Expert: Tactics = 13 (2+2)
Reflexes (Personal Combat)
Dodge & Escape = 12 (1+1)
Handgun 13 (+3)
Hand to Hand = 13 (2+1)
Rifle = 11 (+1)
Reflexes (Mecha Combat)
Mecha Fighting = 13 (1+2)
Mecha Gunnery = 15 (3+2)
Mecha Melee = 16 (4+2)
Mecha Missiles = 15 (2+3)
Mecha Piloting = 17 (4+3)
Reflexes (Non-Combat)
Zero Gee = 12 (+2)
Stealth = 11 (+1)
Personal Information
Age 28
Height 5'5"
Weight 128lbs
Ethnicity: Earthnoid
Loyalties: Disillusioned
Goals: Aimless. Escape. Peace. Atonement.
Opinions: Eclectic. Nihilistic. Anti-authority. Contolist.
Sexuality: Straight. Still troubled by past tragedy.
Appearance & Personality
Disfigured face
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Style: Long, curly
Eye Color: Amber eyes
Personality traits: Stable and serious
Thing you value most is: Honesty
Most valued possession: a Recording
Person you value most: no one
Hal Seki was born on Earth, in Alaska, as a descendant of the last oil baron. A youth during the One Year War, he joined the Titans in the aftermath of the colony drop on North America in '83 - much to his parents' disapproval. His name became known to some back on Earth as a rising pilot among the Titans and, following the Gryps War, his name joined a list of soldiers and officers found guilty of war crimes - particularly charged with having executed several colonists in an incident on Side 7.
Holland Juno is a man from Jupiter who arrived at 'Big Eye' Station some months ago. He's quiet, has a disfiguring scar across his face, and has found work in maintenance.
Money and Family: 9. Wealthy , 900¥
Family Situation: 8. Both parents are alive and well.
Family Standing: 4. Good
Siblings: 6. Six Siblings. .. Male, older, neutral .. Male, older, hero worships me .. Female, older, likes me .. Female, older, hero worships me .. Male, older, hero worships me .. Female, younger, dislikes me
Childhood Friends: 1, 9. One friend, a female ex-lover (deceased)
Made a friend, by chance, in '87.
Made a Jupiter Energy Fleet contact at age 26 in '95.
Childhood Enemies: 7, None.
Two enemies made in the Jupiter Energy Fleet, one a subordinate in '91 and the other a predecessor in a position in '92.
Romantic Life
Romantic Life: 9. Recovering from a tragedy in the past.
Tragic Love Affair: 2. They were killed in an accident.
Sweetheart killed in the colony drop on North America caused by the Zeonist terrorists of the Delaz fleet.
8: Soldier. An accident. 8, 3. Disfigured (-3 ATT)
Hand to Hand +1, Handgun +1, Rifle +1, Stealth +1, Dodge & Escape + 1
3: Mechajock. You pick up a friend. 8. Someone you just met.
Mecha Gunnery +1, Handgun +1, Missile Weapon +1, Awareness +1, Mecha Pilot +1
5: Fleet Officer. Made an enemy. 2. A subordinate.
Leadership +1, Human Perception +1, Expert: Tactics +1, Handgun +1, Zero.G +1
5: Mechajock. Made an enemy. 7. Someone whose job you took.
Mecha Fighting +1, Missile Weapon +1, Awareness +1, Mecha Melee +1, Mecha Pilot +1
7: Mechajock. Landed a windfall. 6. Made a contact in line work (Jupiter Energy Fleet, pilot/soldiery)
Mecha Fighting +1, Mecha Gunnery +1, Missile Weapon +1, Mecha Melee +1, Mecha Pilot +1
8: Fleet Officer. An accident. 1. Lost job. No money gained, and only 3 skill points gained.
Expert: Tactics +1, Personal Groom +1, Zero.G +1
18: 18 ¥ gained from 5 (out of 6) years