SP Superstar
Superstar, aka Hans Baumgartner
Hero Points 1
Movement Primary: Secondary::
Current Conditions
File:Template.jpg (Comment: As set up, this requires that the picture be uploaded to the Wiki. Replace Template with the name of the picture)
Personal Info
Physical Description
Height: 6'3"; Weight: 230 lb ; Hair: brown ; Eyes blue; Build: Muscular
Best Action Hero
Career / Daytime Activities Celebrity Actor/Former Politician
8 Str (16 Pts)
4 Agl (8 Pts)
4 Fgt (8 Pts)
11 Sta (22 Pts)
1 Dex (2 Pts)
2 Awe (4 Pts)
1 Int (2 Pts)
5 Pre (10 Pts)
Characteristics Total: 72
Attack Name Attack Bonus Attack DC Notes
4 Dodge Base 4 + Purchase 0 (0 Pts)
5 Parry Base 4 + Purchase 1 (1 Pts)
11 Fortitude Base 11 + Purchase 0 (0 Pts)
11 Toughness Base 11 + Powers/Adv/Equip 0
7 Will Base 4 + Purchase 3 (3 Pts)
Defenses Total: 4
Benefit: Wealth 4: Multi-millionaire.
Close Attack 4 +4 to close attack checks.
Connected Call in assistance or favors with a Persuasion check.
Contacts: Make an initial Investigation check in one minute.
Equipment (5 points of equipment:iPhone, Binoculars, Camo Clothing, Flash Goggles)
Fearless Immune to fear effects.
Improved Grab Make grab attacks with one arm. Not vulnerable while grabbing.
Improved Hold –5 circumstance penalty to escape from your holds.
Languages 1 English
Luck 1 Re-roll a die roll once per rank.
Takedown 1 Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.
Advantages Total: 17
6 Acrobatics 4 + 2
10 Athletics 8 + 2
7 Deception 5 + 2
3 Expertise: Politics 1 + 2
3 Expertise: Show Business 1 + 2
4 Insight 2 + 2
8 Intimidation 5 + 3
2 Investigation 1 + 1
9 Persuasion 5 + 4
5 Stealth 4 + 1
2 Vehicles: Cars 1 + 1
Skills Total: 11
iPhone (2 Pts)
Binoculars (1 Pt)
Camo Clothing (1 Pt)
Flash Goggles (1 Pt)
2 Quick Change into any outfit at will
2 Immortality 1 Recover from death after 2 weeks
2 Immunity 2 (Aging and Disease) Self-explanatory
10 Regeneration 10 Every round
Powers Total: 16
Motivation: Recognition/Responsibility. Hans wasn't trying to get superhuman abilities when he went through an Arch but now that he has them he owes it to his fellow man to use them for good. Besides, being back in the spotlight feels good.
Fame: Hans was once the biggest movie stars in the world, featured in many classics of the action and sci-fi genre. Even today he's one of the most recognizable figures on the planet, and that's before he became an Archie.
Starting PL: 8
Earned PPs:
Spent PPS:
Character Math
Characteristics Total 72
+ Defenses Total 4
+ Advantages Total 17
+ Skills Total 11
+ Powers Total 16
= Total Points 120