Atlanta Files Mechanics:Combat

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PbP is not conducive to combat systems, even ones that play fast at a table. Combats in the Atlanta Files games will be treated as a complex test. A set number of successes is required in order to win the combat. Each failure results in consequences (usually potential stress being taken). Each player can use each of their approaches only one time per combat. If players have exhausted all of their approaches or choose not to continue than they lose the combat. Some stunts or other powers may also be limited in how often they can be used in a combat. The Actions work in the following ways in this complex test:


Succeed- You negate some ongoing effect, threat, or negative aspect of the scene. Generally, this reduces the severity of consequences you will face.

Succeed with Style- As above, but you gain a boost.

Fail- You face consequences.

Tie- You accomplish your goal, but face consequences.

Attack Action

Succeed- You gain a single success.

Succeed with Style- You gain a single success and gain a boost.

Fail- You face consequences.

Tie- You face consequences, but gain a boost.

Create Advantage

Succeed- You create an aspect with a free compel.

Succeed with Style- You get two free compels on the aspect you create or else create two aspects with one free compel each.

Fail- You face consequences.

Tie- You gain a boost.


Succeed or Tie- You are unaffected by your enemy.

Succeed with Style- You are unaffected by the consequences and gain a boost.

Fail- You suffer the consequences based on the number of shifts.


Like elsewhere, scale works differently here than in the default rules.

When you have scale advantage


Succeed- You eliminate or reduce some threat and gain a boost.

Succeed with Style- You eliminate or reduce some threat and gain a success.

Fail- You accomplish your goal, but face consequences.

Tie- You eliminate or reduce some threat.

Attack Action

Succeed- You gain two successes or gain a single success and a boost. Your choice.

Succeed with Style- You gain two successes and can create an aspect with a free compel or gain a boost.

Fail- You face consequences as normal.

Tie- You gain a success and deal with consequences or you choose to avoid the consequences and gain a boost instead.

Create Advantage

Succeed- You get two free compels on your aspect.

Succeed with Style- You get two free compels on the aspect you create and gain a success.

Fail- Nothing happens.

Tie- You create the aspect with a single free compel.


Succeed- You are unaffected by the consequences and gain a boost.

Succeed with Style- You are unaffected by the consequences and gain a success.

Fail- You suffer the consequences based on the number of shifts.

Tie- You are unaffected by the consequences.

When your opponent has scale advantage


Succeed- You eliminate or reduce some threat, but face consequences.

Succeed with Style- You eliminate or reduce some threat.

Fail- You face consequences and the target number is increased by 2.

Tie- You face consequences.

Attack Action

Succeed- You gain a single success and face consequences or you gain a boost. Your choice.

Succeed with Style- You gain a single success.

Fail- You face consequences and the target number is increased by 2.

Tie- You face consequences.

Create Advantage

Succeed- You gain a boost or you face consequences and create the aspect with a single compel.

Succeed with Style- You create an aspect with a single free compel.

Fail- You face consequences.

Tie- You face consequences and gain a boost.


Succeed- You are unaffected by the consequences.

Succeed with Style- You are unaffected by the consequences.

Fail- The consequences are equal to twice the number of shifts.

Tie- You take a box of stress or the target number is increased by 2 on your next action.
