Far from Home:Constantin Stanwyk
Constantin Stanwyk
Male Human
Lawful Good
Paladin 1
Ability Scores
- Str 18 (+4)
- Dex 15 (+2)
- Con 17 (+3)
- Int 14 (+2)
- Wis 15 (+2)
- Cha 17 (+3)
Class Features
- Hit Dice: 1d10 per level
- Proficiencies: Light, Medium, and Heavy armour; Shields; Simple & Martial weapons
- Sense Evil (4/long rest)
- Lay on Hands (5hp/long rest)
Skills & Saves
- Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
- Skills: Athletics, Insight, Persuasion, Religion
- Tools/proficiencies: Vehicles (land), Carpentry tools, Gaming set (TBC)
- Languages: Common
Derived Scores
- Hit Dice: 1d10
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Initiative: +2
- HP: 12
- AC (unarmored): 12
Human Traits
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30'
- Age: 18
- Height: 6'
- Weight: 180'
- Hair colour: Copper red
- Eye colour: Sky blue
- Feature (Civic Servant): You understand how small communities operate, and how common folk interact with one another on a day-to-day basis. You have an intrinsic understanding of who commands respect in these places. When in a small community (as defined by the GM), you can usually secure a meeting with whomever is in charge, be it a village elder, a town council, or anybody else. This feature will generally not work on landed nobility. A "small community" might be a village or hamlet, but it might also be a particularly tight-knit neighborhood in a big city where everybody respects the matriarch of the largest family..
- Personality Trait: I believe that there are virtues - truth, generosity, selflessness - which are good in themselves.
- Personality Trait: Nothing can shake my deep-held belief that virtues mean something and are worthwhile in themselves.
- Bond: When people put themselves in my care, it is the most sacred of trusts.
- Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost.
- Flaw: : I sometimes let my ambitions get the better of common sense and reason.
- Scale mail (45) [PENDING]
- Longsword (3)
- Longbow (2)
- 2 daggers (1 each)
- 2 darts (0.25 each)
- Arrows (1)
- backpack (5)
- bedroll (7)
- block and tackle (5)
- chalk (-)
- climber's kit (12)
- hooded lantern (2)
- mess kit (1)
- 5 oil flasks (1 each)
- quiver (1/1)
- 50 feet of silk rope (5)
- however many days of rations are expected for the trip (2 each).