World Communtary

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Scientific Leaders

EXCERPT … ”Ethical and Legal questions cannot be addressed at this point. Time to secure additional tissue and blood samples are necessary to even theorize at this point. What we do know is the survivors of American Airlines Flight 283 have been diagnosed and found to be a species separate from Homo Sapiens. These members of Homo Imperiosus have been diagnosed through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) a technique for cloning. The process: The nucleus of a cell contains DNA, which acts roughly as its blueprint (although unlike an actual blueprint, these instructions are greatly affected by environment as well as other factors not yet fully understood and can change over time). In somatic cell nuclear transfer the nucleus of an unfertilized egg is removed or destroyed. The nucleus of a somatic cell (a cell other than a sperm or egg cell) is then removed and put in the emptied egg. Commonly used to produce embryonic stem cells. Limitations: The stress placed on both the egg cell and the introduced nucleus are enormous, leading to a high mortality rate in resulting cells. As the procedure currently cannot be automated, but has to be performed manually under a microscope, SCNT is very resource intensive. The biochemistry involved in "activating" the recipient egg is far from understood. Not all of the donor cell's genetic information is transferred. DNA of organelles (mostly mitochondria) is left behind, with the resulting cells retaining those structures which originally belonged to the egg.” -- Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. [American Journal of Human Genetics, publication report]

Religious Leaders

“Christians should never fail to sense the operation of an angelic glory. It forever eclipses the world of demonic powers, as the sun does a candle's light. How have these souls survived is not a question I have. We cannot truly face life until we face the fact that it will be taken away from us. Out of defeat can come the best in human nature. As Christians face storms of adversity, they may rise with more beauty. They are like trees that grow on mountain ridges -- battered by winds, yet trees in which we find the strongest wood. And with time God’s plan for these individuals will be revealed. Until then, courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are stiffened. Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has.” --Billy Graham

“We deny that salvation is in any sense a human work. Human methods, techniques or strategies by themselves cannot accomplish this transformation. Faith is not produced by our unregenerated human nature. It is reported that when Oppenheimer looked into the nuclear furnace at Alamogordo, he quoted the Bhagavad-Gita, "I am become Shiva, the Destroyer of Worlds. As over-educated and over-privileged as he was, he overlooked the more obvious and plebeian references from the Bible, where God promises Noah "fire next time", or perhaps, more poignantly: ‘Then the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and the land lifted his right hand into the sky, and swore by him who lives forever and ever, who create the sky and what is in it, and the earth and what is in it, and the sea and what is in it, that there shall be no more time; but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall blow his trumpet, the mystery of God shall be accomplished, as he announced to his slaves the prophets.’ -Revelations 10:5” -- John W. Hendryx of Eschaton (an Internet based ministry)

"Greetings fellow muslin brethren, I speak to you today about a dark event in the demon land of America that they seek to blame for us. As you may have heard, they are claiming that we hijacked a fifth plane on the glorious day of September the 11th and all the people on board survived, some gaining unnatural abilities. This is a lie to twist the American sheep away from the truth! The fact is these 'powers' they manifest are clear proof that these are people no longer, but instead possessed and taken over by dark demons of hell! The US Government themselves are behind this travesty and have cut a blood deal with Satan himself to build an army of demons to enslave the Muslim world. Soon, some of these people will be deployed to Iraq we have learned, so our sacred grounds can be tread upon by demons! Any true Muslim will kill one of these demons on sight! We will be taking interest in these abominations, and will take them down as we can. America and its vile president have shown total disregard for the laws of Allah and seek to blame the result of this blood deal on us when their demon army develops a mind of its own. Do not fear! but I speak to all American Muslims! Renounce your country and flee to a true Muslim country, from this day forth no place in America is safe!" -- Osama Bin Laden - Broadcast over Al Jazeera TV on Janury 24th, 2005

Political Figures

“My fellow Americans, this is an amazing moment for the world. I understand the public doesn't care about the tests and figures the scientists want to do to these Americans – but they are necessary. As you know, I'm an immigrant. I came over here as an immigrant, and what gave me the opportunities, what made me to be here today, is the open arms of Americans. I have been received. I have been adopted by America. And so will the Survivors. But, government's first duty and highest obligation is public safety. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave. I was always dreaming about very powerful people – dictators, super heroes and things like that. I was just always impressed by people who could be remembered for hundreds of years, or even, like Jesus, be for thousands of years remembered. Flight 283 will be remembered in history as the Americans who wouldn’t let the terrorists win. In this country, it doesn't make any difference where you were born. It doesn't make any difference who your parents were. It doesn't make any difference if, like me, you couldn't even speak English until you were in your twenties and it doesn’t make a difference how they survived. They are truly special. The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. But at the end of the day FEMA, screwed up, and they have got to make amends. To restore the trust of the people, we must reform the way the government operates.” --Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger [CA Governor]

“The survivors of that fifth plane are heroes. Their existence takes us back to the day that changed the world. You're going to see a million people here who have the courage to not let terrorists win, and that's exactly what we should all do. I hope they use that courage to empower others. I think if you look at people, whether in business or government, who haven't had any moral compass, who've done whatever they thought the popular thing was, in the end they're losers.” --Mayor Michael Bloomberg [NY mayor]

“Sometimes when people are under stress, they hate to think, and that's the time when they most need to think. Our paradigm now seems to be: Something terrible happened to us on September 11, and that gives us the right to interpret all future events in a way that everyone else in the world must agree with us. And if they don't, they can go straight to hell. The new rage is to say that the government is the cause of all our problems, and if only we had no government, we'd have no problems. I can tell you, that contradicts evidence, history, and common sense. Behind us we can look back and see the great expanse of American achievement; and before us we can see even greater, grander frontiers of possibility As we become ever more diverse, we must work harder to unite around our common values and our common humanity. We cannot build our own future without helping the survivors of Flight 283 rebuild their’s.” --Bill Clinton

“Why were the American people not told of these survivors? These heroes? I challenge you to accept the answers to that question with good will. The challenges of the unknown are always hard. It is important that we begin to unpack those challenges that confront this nation on this happy day and realize that we each have a role that requires us to change and become more responsible for shaping our own future as a global village. Eleanor Roosevelt understood that every one of us every day has choices to make about the kind of person we are and what we wish to become. You can decide to be someone who brings people together, or you can fall prey to those who wish to divide us. You can be someone who educates yourself, or you can believe that being negative is clever and being cynical is fashionable. You have a choice. When I am talking about "It Takes a Village", I'm obviously not talking just about or even primarily about geographical villages any longer, but about the network of relationships and values that do connect us and binds us together. That includes the brave men and women of AA Flight 283.” --Hillary Rodham Clinton

Civil Leaders

“Our flag is red, white and blue, but our nation is a rainbow-red, yellow, brown, black and white-and we're all precious in God's sight The white, the Hispanic, the black, the Arab, the Jew, the woman, the Native American, the small farmer, the businessperson, the environmentalist, the peace activist, the young, the old, the lesbian, the gay, the disabled, and the blessed survivors of 283 - we all make up the American quilt. Why did we not know of this until now? I cannot say. George W. Bush has met more foreign heads of state than I have. But a substantial number of them were dead. Things must change. Time is neutral and does not change things. With courage and initiative, leaders change things. A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds live forever. Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. Hold your head high Survivors, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive.” --Jesse Jackson

"Let them go! … I simply cannot stand by and watch a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States come under attack from those who either can't understand it, don't like the sound of it, or find themselves too philosophically squeamish to see why it remains the first among equals." --NRA President Charlton Heston

Corporate Leaders

"As our president recently coined, these 'godlike' individuals are people of great importance. As with information they are neither good or evil but information and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other. People always fear change. People feared electricity when it was invented, didn't they? People feared coal, they feared gas-powered engines... There will always be ignorance, and ignorance leads to fear. With time, people will come to accept their silicon masters. With time people will accept the Godlike for the good things their existence brings us. I mean, if we said right now, there's somebody in the next room who's dying, let's all go save their life, you know, everybody would just get up immediately and go get involved in that. Are they gods able to survive anything?

In the end people have to question the administration. The U.S. couldn't even get rid of Saddam Hussein. And we all know that the EU is just a passing fad. They'll be killing each other again in less than a year. We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior. I'm sick to death of all these fascist lawsuits. Microsoft is not about greed. It's about innovation and fairness. You see, antiquated ideas of kindness and generosity are simply bugs that must be programmed out of our world. And these cold, unfeeling machines will show us the way." --Bill Gates [Microsoft]

Media Specialists

“So much to say on the topic of the Godlike Survivors. But then I remind myself: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I'm going to learn, I must do it by listening. Wait and see if the best advice I can give to the American public.” -–Larry King [Larry King Live]


“It’s a remarkable thing, surviving and thriving. It’s a great country, that’s the American Spirit. A lot’s been said of these people having godlike attitudes… Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser.” --Donald Trump

“Survivors?... that’s so totally hot!” --Paris Hilton

"Like yah man. It’s a good thing to have a minds blown. First to the happy, then to the what the fucking bloody hell. If ya know what I mean...?" --Ringo Star [the Beetles]

"What'd I think about the Survivors?? Well...they won! They beat the grim reaper himself. Winning is the most important thing in life, after breathing. Breathing first, winning next. An' if any of you Survivors can hit for the cycle two or three times in September you can give me a call" --George Steinbrenner [owner of the New York Yankees, the New Jersey Nets and the New Jersey Devils]

Late Night Talk Hosts

“Of course, in the news today… A lot of controversy over this four year cover-up of a fifth plane being taken by terrorists and going down on 9/11. In fact, Osama Bin Laden was so upset, he called Bush's dad. How embarrassing, when world leaders start calling your father.” --Jay Leno [the Tonight Show]

”What's, as Paris would say, 'HOT' in the news today? ...the Survivors of Flight 283... Big, very big... These survivors are really reminding us of togetherness. Everyone has this sense of togetherness right now. For example, one guy on the subway today, he wanted to share my pants. I know these jokes aren't great, ladies and gentlemen, see this is the problem you run into when you're between impeachments. Speaking of impeachables, President Bush is rumored to have said that he does not need approval from the Survivors, their families or the UN to quarenteen those people, and I'm thinking, well, hell, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president, either. In related news, yesterday Senator Ted Kennedy changed his mind and now opposes the quarenteen of the Survivors. I'm telling you this guy has more positions than Paris Hilton. Senator Kennedy is protesting the quarenteen and I'm wondering, do you really want the endorsement of a guy with a Bloody Mary mustache?" --David Letterman [Late Night with David Letterman]

"I wish people would make up their minds. First we have this horrible tragedy, first the President won’t let us forget. We get in to two wars because of it. Now some crazy pharmaceutical company says, 'Hang on. We got good news! The airline part of the tragedy is 20% less that we thought.' Whose in charge!." --John Stewart [the Daily Show]

General Public

“…heroes? fuck you… so what happens when it turns out some of ‘em ain’t heroes at all, some of ‘em do blow and have gang bangs… America don’t like it when things get complicated. They just happened to live, how does that make’em heroes?!?!” --Howard Tarabochi [New York, cab driver]

“I think it’s beautiful. Like two hundred an’some angels all come down outa the sky.” --Nancy Carnz [Ohio, housewife]