Doom of Daruma
Doom of Daruma is a re-imagined Masters of Umdaar play by post for Fate Accelerated
World Map
Player Characters

A female member of the bioforms called the Eldyr, or “First” in their tongue. Eld for short. Very tall, immensely strong, steeped in traditions both warrior and mystical along with an inimitable pride that colors every action they do. Said to carry the blood of the mythological dragons! Kora herself stands at 7’8”, weighs just over 270 pounds, and is a complete sucker for pretty things. She's soft, sweet, and capable of using her claws to splatter your skull like an overripe melon if you incur her wrath. The magic luminescent tattoos on her body are not only sacred runes of protection stemming from the time of the demiurges, but elemental conduits granting access to various channels of raw energy, along with indicators of renown.
Concept: Gentle Eldyr Strike-Sorcerer
Motivation: I Must Discover the Ancient Dragons
Personal: A Love of the Beautiful and Wondrous
Personal: You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry...
Shared: The Mother They Never Knew They Needed
- Good (+3) Forceful
- Fair (+2) Clever, Flashy
- Average (+1) Careful, Quick
- Mediocre (+0) Sneaky
Claws that Rend Metal. You have vicious claws or talons. Whenever you Forcefully attack and succeed, you deal an additional stress. Also, you can never become Unarmed.
The Elements Heed My Summons. You can move and manipulate air. Whenever this element is present in a scene, you can attack without a weapon at range. If the source of the element is abundant—air in an open space, or fire from a torch in the wall—you also gain +2 when Cleverly creating advantages using that element.
Stunt Slot.

Severin is a bipedal humanoid of average human height. Like most of his people, he is covered in dark green, gray, and brown scales and has a lithe figure. He has large, black, pupil-less eyes that bear out from his face. His fangs retract into his upper jaw, but extend well below his chin when released. Severin typically wears plain traveling clothing of intentionally vague vintage and age - all the better for disguising himself when necessary. His traveling gear is likewise nondescript, with the exception that he always carries a leather-bound journal in which he takes copious notes and records newfound knowledge. The knowledge, of course, is the important part: Severin is happy to steal it when it is not freely given.
Concept: Sagacious Snakeman Scoundrel
Motivation: I must learn how to control the power of the Demiurges
Personal: The blood of the Illusionist is in my veins
Personal: Study before striking
Shared: [Saved]
- Good (+3) Clever
- Fair (+2) Careful, Sneaky
- Average (+1) Flashy, Quick
- Mediocre (+0) Forceful
Spit Attack. You can surprise an enemy with your hidden ability to spit venom. You may Cleverly attack opponents up to two zones away with this stunt. The first time during a scene that you attack in this way, add +2 to the attack. In addition, you can never become Unarmed.
Shapeshift. You can use illusions to change your appearance. You can Sneakily create an advantage to give yourself a disguise aspect. If you opponent attempts to overcome this aspect to see past it, you can Sneakily oppose their attempt.
Stunt Slot.
Concept: Alacritous Aerii Wild-Runner
Motivation: I Must Bring the Gods Back to Daruma
Personal: The Wilds Are My Home, But My Home Is Far Away
Personal: Secret Songs of Yore Hold Both Truth and Mystery
Shared: [Saved]
- Good (+3) Flashy
- Fair (+2) Quick, Sneaky
- Average (+1) Careful, Clever
- Mediocre (+0) Forceful
Preternatural Senses. The Aerii have extraordinary senses of sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. +2 to Overcome sensory challenges with Quick.
Protean Feathers. The feathers of the Aerii are imminently mutable in shade and color, for camouflage or, much more rarely, scintillating displays of emotion. Create Advantages with Flashy for being seen or unseen.
Psychic Acoustics. You can manipulate sound psychically upon self or at range. Create Advantages or Attack with Flashy. Attacks with sonic blasts are blatant and obvious, but can only frighten, stun, or knockout. You can never be Unarmed
Lore of Daruma
The demiurges arrived thousands of years ago and sealed off the original gods from the world. They ruled and pillaged for millennia. The world needs divine energy, however, and eventually things began to fall apart without it. The demiurges realized this, and moved on. Now the world is free of their rule, but is still collapsing. The only way to reconnect this realm with the realm of the gods is by collecting enough (and the right type) of the demiurge's weapons and artifacts to force a way through the barrier that they made between this world and the divine.
The departure of the demiurges left a substantial power vacuum that is still being filled. Demiurge artifacts are powerful and useful, so the people and organizations looking to establish their own cities/kingdoms/churches/universities/power bases are in direct competition with the Seekers for the artifacts. Some factions would even work to pervert these relics to bring back the demiurges themselves. Contributor:Iustum
War of Splintered Bone
Devastating war marking the end of the Age of Prophets. The last battle saw King Orseez fall. Legend maintains he bore a map to the ancient relics of the demiurges that has remained undiscovered since his fall. None know the location of the final battle of the war. Should anyone find Orseez’s map, it might unlock access to great troves of powerful artifacts for good or ill.
Folk of Daruma
The Aerii
Doesn't Miss a Thing
Typical Lead Approach: ?
The ancient ancestors of the Aerii were a graceful humanoid people who dwelt in high forested valleys of the mightiest mountain ranges of Daruma. These Ancestors were a sublime and erudite people who knew the Gods well, and were favored by them. When the Demiurges came, the Ancestors faithfully aided the Gods in their war, and lost. The Demiurges drove the Gods away from their mountain lands, and subjugated the Ancestors, twisting and punishing them to spite the Gods they once served so well. Using their sorcery, the Demiurges mutated the Ancestors with raptors, and made them serve as scouts, spies, and assassins. They became the Aerii.
But the Aerii were not willing slaves. Rebellions were quickly put down, but the Aerii learned subtlety. Over the centuries, they kept what they could of their lost culture and knowledge through oral traditions, secret songs encoded with hidden meaning, but overlooked by the Demiurges as mundane or innocuous sing-song speech. Much of their ancient knowledge was still lost over time, or changed, but within their limericks and hymns are nuggets of lost truths nestled within shrouds of mystery, innuendo, and oblique references. Not even the most sagely Aerii can all agree what the 'real' truths are in the corpus anymore.
There were many wars when the Demiurges left, and most Aerii withdrew to remote tall mountains and forested valleys. But the wars did not spare them. Their many centuries of service to the Demiurges, however reluctant, caused many of the other subjected peoples to fear or mistrust them. Their numbers have dwindled and their children are few. There are now some people who no longer even have tales about them, or only old stories that have drifted over time.
The Aerii people are humanoid-looking, slim and lithe, but their eyes are those of raptors and their bodies have feathers instead of hair. Long feathers crest their heads, shoulders, forearms, and lower legs. The Aerii can flex these feathers to lay flat against their skin or flare out when alarmed, provoked, emotional, or just too warm. The rest of their bodies are densely covered with feathers almost as fine as the hair on human arms and legs. But what is most striking about Aerii feathers are their properties of color changing and camouflage, and how quickly they heal and regrow. Aerii people seem to melt into woodlands, rocky terrain, stone walls, even tapestries. They are a reserved and studious people, observing everything around them. All qualities fostered by the mutations of the Demiurges. The perfect scouts. Contributor: spaceranger
The Eldyr
We Were Here First
Typical Lead Approach: Forceful
The Eldyr consider themselves the first race of true beings to exist since the time of the demiurges, and as a result carry that racial pride into everything they do or accomplish. Many are perfectionists, satisfied with their accomplishments and pursuits only at their absolute pinnacle - whether that be cooking, mysticism, or even architecture is irrelevant. Most eldyr stand at around seven feet tall, with males slightly taller and heavier. Both genders are equally adept at both warrior trials and mystic arts, as the eldyr see no point in enforced roles amongst their kind. You are either great, or you are not. Ritual tattooing is a central part of their elaborate ceremonies beneath great statues and temples dedicated to their mythical progenitors, with the markings denoting both renown and the life story of the one bearing them. The eldyr are very Forceful in their ways - they will see their wills done, and woe betide those who try to stop them. To enter one of the nature-incorporating cities of the eldyr is to constantly feel small and weak beneath their glorious power, a sense of complete insignificance only exacerbated by the constant rigorous demand to prove oneself or submit. Contributor: Pandorym
The Sarpa
Venom in Mind as Well as In Fang
Typical Lead Approach: Clever
The great illusionist Visuki always hated snakes; they were the only thing that she really feared. So, centuries ago when the great Illusionist attempted to raise an army to contest the rule of the Demiurges, they expressed their displeasure by magically fusing her, her family, and her entire home village with the snakes that inhabited their region.
Since then, the Sarpa (as the snake people became known) have slowly increased their numbers and spread out from their jungle home. Many Sarpa inherited an innate facility with illusion magic thanks to the strength of the magical talent in Visuki's line. All are taught from birth of the importance of gaining knowledge about the world and leveraging that knowledge to improve the condition of their people. Of course, not all of the Sarpa agree with that view - after all, they wouldn't exist were it not for the Demiurges. Contributor: Iustum
Places of Daruma
The City of Soothsayers sits atop an ancient ruin near the Seer’s Cliffs. It is a haven for clairvoyants, refugees from usurped lands, and the home of the Seekers. Here, healing is dispensed to the stricken, and Seeker expeditions reprovision and launch.
The primordial forest is perilous and known to be home of a reclusive but ill-natured folk. Honest people give its eaves wide berth.
Myrdon’s Temple
Myrdon’s Temple is the name given to a lone mountain at the center of the mysterious Lumewood.
Seer’s Cliffs
The up-thrusting crags neighboring the City of Soothsayers where the oracle lives. The oracle, reputed to be a venerable hermit of indeterminate age, has not been seen leaving his cave at its height and is attended by his priests. These priests record and store the oracle’s prognostications and serve as lore masters, stargazers, and healers, directing many of the Seekers to uncover relics of the demiurges.
Factions of Daruma
The Seekers
The Seekers are what remain of the true lore masters of Daruma. Little more than a handful of daring adventurers, they listen to the oracle and strive to collect the artifacts of the demiurges to stave off the doom. They alone possess the knowledge, albeit in riddles and stories about which they debate amongst one another, of the true gods who were banished. The demiurges locked away the gods, stealing the very divinity of Daruma, which the wise agree is the cause of the Falling. The moon’s course is now altered. Tempests surge and the earth trembles in protest. The Doom will yield to the Unmaking unless the wisdom and artifacts are unlocked to return divinity to the realms.
The beleaguered organization has been stymied by not only outside influences — the fall of many of its hereos, incursions by warlords, tyrants and usurpers who destroy or grasp antiquities from Seeker Temples for their own evil uses — but also from within. Spies from despotic realms undermine their efforts. The Seekers have dwindled to a miserable fraction of its once esteemed membership. The group now dances on the margin of oblivion. Furthermore, even the Seekers themselves sabotage one another’s efforts arising from a dissonance between a growing number of doctrines. Contributor: roryb
Kelorn Tusk
A talented and charismatic Seeker, Kelorn Tusk has for years now been chief among the heroes’ dissenters and saboteurs.
Episode 1: Under the Shadow of Myrdon’s Temple
The Setup
The oracle has given a rare public prognostication for those gathered among the broken streets at the foot of the Seer’s Cliffs in Khem-Akka, the City of Soothsayers. This town exists atop an ancient ruin and is known as the habitation of the secretive but disorganized Seekers. Among the oracle’s cryptic rantings was mention of the “Last word of Orseez upon the sunken throne under the shadow of Myrdon’s Temple.”
Most of the Seekers know King Orseez as an ancient disciple of the demiurges and hero. Bits of copied writings have always pointed to some of the old artifacts that still remain undiscovered. Such items were hidden and scattered from his enemies. Legend has maintained that a map to a great number of these fell with Orseez during the War of Splintered Bone at the end of the last age. However, the location of the final battle has always been debated and any exploration of its proposed site never yielded evidence of his presence.
Myrdon’s Temple is the name given to a lone mountain at the center of the mysterious Lumewood. The primordial forest is perilous and known to be home of a reclusive but ill-natured folk. Honest people give its eaves wide berth. If it is the site of the final battle of the legendary king, it has remained unexplored for an age.
This gives the Seekers a new direction in their search for ancient wisdom and salvation. The beleaguered organization has been stymied by not only outside influences — the fall of many of its hereos, incursions by warlords, tyrants and usurpers who destroy or grasp antiquities from Seeker Temples for their own evil uses — but also from within. Spies from despotic realms undermine their efforts. The Seekers have dwindled to a miserable fraction of its once esteemed membership. The group now dances on the margin of oblivion. Furthermore, even the Seekers themselves sabotage one another’s efforts arising from a dissonance between a growing number of doctrines.
A talented and charismatic Seeker, Kelorn Tusk has for years now been chief among the heroes’ dissenters and saboteurs. Kelorn’s expedition set out yesterday. No doubt they are anticipating the heroes’ next move. The protagonists can expect not only dangers from crossing an expansive uncharted forest through hostile territory, but Kelorn’s own tricks.