SWN Delta Drop
Watch this space.
Bandaluri pirates scream around a moon as a merchant tries to flee. A psychic god of Anchises commands a mob to assault a rival's temple. A Hochog prince shades his eyes with one hand, an ax in the other, as he and his warband watch a gravflyer pass in the distance. The Agate Dominion drops troops onto a planet. A ship descends into a glowing fence from orbit, the atmosphere beyond the fence a churning mass of dust. A half-built cruiser hangs in the gantries of the Hypsipyle Interstellar Drive yards. A shaman with a stone-tipped spear teaches students from across the sector to control their MES-granted powers.
Character Creation
As per the core rulebook (First Edition), with 3 exceptions. 1) Roll as normal for attributes, then assign them in any order you wish. 2) Choose one Background Package, and additionally the Adventurer Package. 3) Choose one Training Package, and additionally the Adventurer Package. You may choose the adventurer package twice in a stage if you wish.
Begin with max HP for your class, including Con mod.
Starting Money
Each character gets 1,200 credits to purchase starting gear with, up to TL4. We are using the expanded equipment lists from Revised.
Pick an item up to TL4. A weapon, armor, a Tech kit, etc. Something that you want to be a signature or vital gear for your character. You get it for free and it's reasonably plot-protected; don't do something foolish like chuck it out an airlock or into a volcano and you'll hang onto it.
One Plot Thing
Pick a plot-driving hook for your character. Maybe you know a secret jump route, or a military officer who needs work done off the books from time to time. Every character needs one connection or relationship that can be used to get information, create complications or hang an adventure off of in a pinch!