Supernatural Law:NonPlayerCharacters

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All the major non player characters encountered during the campaign

The Law

Fellow officers of the law, and other authorities.

Detective Captain Kiara Graves

The head of Occult Crimes Division in Boston. A fit, middle aged African American woman who normally wears masculine looking suits to work. She is not a mage herself, but possesses a good academic knowledge of the subject. To hear her tell it, she got involved with a wrong case, got drafted to the OCD, started educating herself and rose through the ranks.

Sir William Christie

A Liche and the director in charge of FBI's Arclight task force. Sir William, or Director Christie, is fond of telling people that he was one of the original peeler mages. Sir Robert recruited him personally. And Hoover personally asked him to take charge of Arclight. He has close to two centuries of experience in arcane police work. So everyone should just shut up and do exactly as he says.

In other words, Sir William may be a very powerful mage and a police professional of the highest caliber, but he is also a haughty and prideful snob of the highest caliber.

Coroner Marcantel

Mercedes "Mercy" Marcantel. Coroner, Necromancer, and former judge. Despite the nickname, she is not a lenient person. Coroner Marcantel looks like a gentle grandmother with her round face, spectacles, and hair in a bun. As the Coroner, she can order an inquest into a person’s cause of death. And if necessary, authorize their resurrection.

The Ghosts

John Harvard

Feeling that tuberculosis took him before his time, he lingered. And since he often visits Harvard University and the mage students there keep summoning him, the "godly gentleman and a lover of learning" is surprisingly knowledgeable about scholarly matters, even modern ones. But since the students keep summoning him, the groundkeepers are especially aggressive about his gravesite at Phipps Street Burying Ground. Nightly calls there tend to involve really frightened young mages.

Hezekiah Usher

The first known bookseller in British America. It may be his love of books that made him stick around. If you see an elderly gentleman browsing the shelves in a library or bookstore only to notice him gone a moment later, that was Usher. Usher is buried at King’s Chapel Burying Ground, the oldest cemetery in Boston, and if you really need to find a book, he might know where to look. But Usher really dislikes being summoned, so it may take some convincing to get information out of him.

Horatio Julius Homer

First African American officer in the Boston Police Department. Known for his diplomatic and courteous demeanor, Horatio J. Homer only needed to resort to violence once during his 40-year career. He met every president from Rutherford B. Hayes to Woodrow Wilson, and served as an escort for a number of foreign ambassadors. He retired as a sergeant in 1919. Sergeant Homer is buried at Evergreen Cemetery in Brighton. In 2010, the Boston Police Department dedicated a gravestone in honor of his service. If you need to know about the goings on in Boston from the late 1800s to early 1900s, or you just plain need the help of a really good cop, visit the dedicated gravestone. Sgt. Homer is happy to help. Just expect a lot of “You kids these days. Why, back in my time…”

The Others

Supernatural inhabitants of Boston.


A murder of spirit crows that manifest as physical crows and flock in Boston Common, the oldest public park in the United States. Murder has been around since the park was still woodland, and the spirits continue to follow their role of keeping a watch for predators.

The thing is, these days the predators that appear on their radar are mostly human. Wild animals no longer come to the park, and most long term supernatural inhabitants know to keep their distance or at least mind their behavior.

Petty crime does not interest Murder. But they are not called that because they manifest as crows, it is the other way round. Acting like a human or supernatural predator within Boston Common tends to result in the person responsible dying in a freak accident, for the flock of murder spirits possess potent powers of illusion.

The department is usually left with cleaning up the mess. And since eradicating Murder or banning the spirits from the park for good would take an elaborate, park-wide ritual, and the spirits are not a threat to ordinary citizens, the department has settled with putting the park under curfew to keep the predations and the weird deaths to a minimum.

The Grunwalds

A family of natural born werewolves. Herman and Isabella, with their teenage children Mona and Manfred. The parents work as cemetery groundskeepers and night watch, keeping ghouls and other troublemakers away. The children study at Lyceum – a private high school mainly for the offspring of full blood mages. But it is traditional for the Grunwald children to be admitted, thanks to the connections of their clan. In Lyceum, the kids can be open about what they are.

Herman’s clan hails from Germany and Isabella’s from Italy. He is a large, barrel chested man with blonde hair and beard, and she a tall, slim, dark haired woman. Of their children, Mona has inherited her father’s blonde hair that she keeps in a ponytail, and Manfred has his mother’s dark curls.

The family dresses like a metal band, with lots of leather, chains and spiked studs. This is mainly done to keep attention away from the collars they wear. Magical artifacts that prevent accidental transformation.


An expensive call girl and a centuries old vampire. She is a short redhead who dresses in expensive fashion. As tends to be with older vampires, her apparent physical age is difficult to pin down. She looks like she might be anything from mature twentysomething to well preserved fortysomething

Alfred Bloom

A spitting image of a wealthy businessman, Alfred wears tailored suits, has dark hair graying at the temples, and a somewhat ageless look typical of a vampire more than a century old. He rarely leaves his penthouse at the top of the office building he owns, except for visits to the building’s infirmary for freshly drawn donated blood.


Joe has a stocky build, short and curly brown hair, and still looks close to his original age of early thirties. Which is what his age was when he got turned into a vampire at the latter stages of World War II.

Isabel Saver, the Consul of Heaven

She looks like a very tall, blonde, somewhat androgynous-looking middle aged woman. As far as the general public knows, she is the outgoing CEO of Cumulus Server Farm. In truth, hidden behind the looks and the identity is an Angel serving as the Consul of Heaven in Boston. She is available for official business in her office by appointment, but she is also active in the mortal community in her guise of Isabel Saver, and can often be seen at various events.

Jean-Luc, the Consul of Hell

The entity known as Jean-Luc hides somewhere in Gargoyle Gallery, an art gallery in Boston. Unlike his heavenly counterpart, he is reclusive. Extremely few people get to meet him in person. Usually he speaks – quite literally – through Armand Lebeau, the strikingly handsome Devil-Blooded manager of the gallery, believed to be his direct offspring. This means that it is not actually difficult to address the Consul, for although Jean-Luc himself is hardly ever seen, Armand loves to socialize.