Dayton Files:Main Page
Dayton Files
This is the reference wiki for a play-by-post game using a modified version of Dresden Files Accelerated. This game will be played as a series of single scenes with a changing cast of players.
Rules [1]
Character Creation[2]
Current Story Arc
Story Arc[3]
Prominent NPCs
Dayton_Files:Oakwood- A wealthy independent city, started by a wealthy industrialist just outside of Dayton city limits in 1903.
Yellowsprings- A small college town just outside of city limits. It is built around a natural spring once believed to have healing powers.
Oregon District- The first neighborhood to be hit by Urban Revitalization. Lots of trendy restaurants and bars right next to sex shops that survive from the neighborhoods harder times.
Dunbar Association- The city is heavily segregated. The Dunbar association was formed by Black residents in the late 1800's. It was first formed as a literary and social society and renamed in honor of prominent local poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. Over the years, it gathered a large library of strange books and records on supernatural threats. It grew into essentially a separate parallel paranet.
Oakwood Cult
Circlewrights Local #26 - A legacy of better times when the industrialists that built the city dabbled in various magical mechanations.
The Rivers Club - Headed by Gebhardt Miami, this organization represents the river spirits and those loyal to them.