All Exiles Say They Were Kings
A 5e PbP game using extensive Wilderness and Hexcrawling house rules
Player Characters
Name | Class | Level | HP | AC | Initiative | Main Weapon | Attack Bonus | Damage
Doriac (Medley) | Rogue 5/Fighter 1 | Level 6 | 47 HP | 16 AC | +4 Initiative | Longbow +1 | +10 | 1d8+5 | Cold Resistance | Mistletoe (Warhorse)
Vorodos (Hituro) | Fighter 6 | Level 6 | 42 HP | 14 AC | +3 Initiative | Longbow +2 | +10 | 1d8+5 (money)
- retainers
- Mordig - the chief retainer, seneschal, administrator and the like. An older man, with grey in his beard and a down to earth manner
- Lanta - an acolyte. A young woman, plain, fanatical, intense; may believe that Vorodos is some sort of demigod
- Teros - the squire. Only in his late teens, fair haired, clean shaven, and eager to please
- familiar
- Nix - a white raven
Hiram (Safid) | Cleric 6 | 40 HP | 19 AC | +0 Initiative | +6 warhammer 1d8+3 | SQ: Resist fire, Resist 3 weapon damage
Sury Geles Warlock 6 | 39 hp | 15 or 16 AC | +2 Initiative | Glaive +2 | +7 | 1d10+5
Please create your PC in D&D Beyond and link it here, for now.
Mounts & miscellany
- On War Horse — Champion (359/540lb): Me (167lb), Chain barding (80lb), Bit and bridle (2lb), Military saddle (30lb), Longbow (2lb), Quiver x 2 (4lb), saddlebags (8lb), water skin x 2 (10lb), rations x5 (10lb), Scale +1 (45lb), parchment, map case, ink (1lb)
- On Mordig's Horse (94+/480lb): Mordig, Bit and bridle (2lb), Riding saddle (25lb), Tent 2-person x1 (20lb), feed (3 days) (30lb), rations x3 (6lb), light crossbow (5lb), 20 bolts + quiver (2.5lb), blanket (3lbs), saddlebags (4lbs)
- On Lanta's Horse (110+/480lb): Lanta, Bit and bridle (2lb), Riding saddle (25lb), feed (3 days) (30lb), rations x3 (6lb), big water skin x1 (40lbs), blanket (3lbs), saddlebags (4lbs)
- On Tereos' Horse (70+/480lb): Tereos, Bit and bridle (2lb), Riding saddle (25lb), feed (3 days) (30lb), rations x3 (6lb), blanket (3lbs), saddlebags (4lbs)
- On Pack Horse (207/480lb): pack saddle (15lb), saddlebags (8lb), Bedroll (7lb), 10 torches (10lb), Iron Rations x10 (20lb), 50ft hemp rope (10lb), Tent 2-person x1 (20lb), big water skin x1 (40lbs), Quiver (50 arrows) (5lb), Fine clothes (6lb), scroll of pedigree, blanket x2 (6lb), handaxe x2 (4lb), feed (6 days) (60lb), pot (10lb), lantern (2lb), Oil x5 (5lb)
Mistletoe (Warhorse) (284/540 lb) (w/ Doriac (477 lb)
Riding Horse (242/480 lb) (w/ Doriac 435 lb):
- Riding Saddle (25 lb), bit & bridle (1 lb), saddlebags (8lb), blanket (3 lb), 50ft of silk rope (5lb), big waterskin (10 lb empty/50 lb full), feed (9 days) (90 lb), tent (20 lb), shovel (5 lb), iron spikes (10) (5 lb), torch (1 lb), rain catcher (5 lb), pitons (20) (5 lb), hammer (3 lb), grappling hook (4 lb), climbers' kit (12 lb)
- Standard rations (3) (3/3 days)
- Iron rations (4) (30/30 days)
- Feed (14) (30/30 days)
Sury Geles
War horse (359/540 lb) (w/ Geles 435 lb):
- Military Saddle (30 lb), scale barding, bit & bridle (1 lb), saddlebags (8lb), blanket (3 lb), 50ft of silk rope (5lb), big waterskin (10 lb empty/50 lb full), feed (9 days) (90 lb), tent (20 lb), shovel (5 lb), iron spikes (10) (5 lb), torch (1 lb), explorers' kit (12 lb)
- Standard rations (3) (3/3 days)
- Iron rations (4) (30/30 days)
- Feed (14) (30/30 days)
War horse (359/540 lb) (w/ Geles 435 lb):
- Warhorse, 60', 255/540 lbs
Bit, bridle, military saddle, saddlebags Chain barding (AC 13) Tent (2 person) Healers Kit x10 Silk Rope 50' Bedroll Tinderbox Mess Kit 10 sacks
- Standard rations (3) (3/3 days)
- Iron rations (10) (30/30 days)
- Feed (14) (30/30 days)

The Hartmut Empire
- Emperor Rouland II
- Empress Giberlin
- The Faith of Mithra, the state religeon
- St. Santaphos, a Saint of Mithra
- Royal guilds, existed before the Empire rose
- Laborers Guild
- The Warriors' Guild
- Locksmith's Guild
- The Royal College of Magisters
White River
- NE Quadrant, middle-class homes
- SE Quadrant, merchants
- NW Quadrant, defender's keep, church of the faith
- SW Quadrant, cheap wooden houses, market
- Good Graces, the ship we arrived on
- Bloody Mary, an Inn
- Jennell, a serving girl
- Snake 'n' Jake's, an Inn for the poor
- The Royal College of Magisters
- Halas the Sorceror, the official representative. Clockwork golem. Talks to himself
- Hester of the White Ray, lives well outside town
- Defender's Keep, Lord Northumber's residence
- Lord Northumber, Defender of the Northern Realm
- King's Own Rangers
- Imperial Guard barracks
- Church of the Faith
- Jacobo, a Paladin of the faith
- Labourour's Guild
- Perraveth "call me Perry" Brer, rotund guild leader
- Constable Dunn
Nearby Locations
- Coopertown, 15 miles west
- Cooper's Creek
- Hester's tower, 10 miles beyond Coopertown
- Dead forest, somewhere between Cooper's Creek and The White
- Eight Mile Road, runs 8-12 miles north of town
- Grasslands, to the east. Centaurs
- High King's Road, ancient road to the south
- The Cushing, a river to the north
- The Harden, a river to the south
- Harden Swamp, a swamp to the south
House Rules
Food and Drink
PCs need to consume two pounds of food and eight pounds of water (one gallon) per day. All mounts, horse or mule, need to consume 10 pounds of food and 40 pounds of water (5 gallons) per day.
Purchased food comes in two forms: standard rations and iron rations. Standard rations last for three days in the wilderness, one day underground. Iron rations last for 30 days in the wilderness, 10 days underground.
Every day a PC eats Foraged food or Iron Rations, there is a small chance they get Sick. Consecutive days of that type of food will increase the chance.
- On day 1, the PC needs to pass a DC 5 Constitution save
- On days 2-4, the PC needs to pass a DC 10 Con save
- On days 5-7, the PC needs to pass a DC 15 Con save
- On days 8+, the PC needs to pass a DC 20 Con save
PCs eating raw Foraged food need to pass a DC 15 Con save or become Sick. PCs eating raw fish need to pass a DC 5 Con save or become Sick.
Every day a retainer or hireling eats Foraged food or Iron Rations, there is a small chance their Loyalty decreases by 1. Consecutive days of that type of food will increase the chance.
- 1% chance on day 1
- 2% chance on day 2
- 4% chance on day 3
- 8% chance on day 4
- 16% chance on day 5
- 32% chance on day 6+
A PC who is Sick suffers one level of Exhaustion.
Once a PC is Sick, the DM rolls 1d4 to determine number of days sick.
A PC with a Healer’s Kit can make a Wisdom (Medicine) check to reduce the duration of a Sick PC. Whether successful or not, making the check counts as one use of the Kit. A successful check means that the PC is no longer Sick after the next Long Rest.
Heat: Whenever the temperature is 80-99 degrees F, PCs exposed to the heat must drink double the normal amount of water per day (two gallons instead of one). After one hour of not drinking water, PCs must make Con saving throws as per the Extreme Heat rule (see below).
Extreme Heat: When the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, PCs exposed to the heat, even if drinking double rations of water, must succeed on a Con saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour. PCs wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Not drinking double rations of water in Extreme Heat causes an automatic gain of one level of Exhaustion every four hours.
Cold: Whenever the temperature is 33-59 degrees F, PCs exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 Con saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. PCs wearing cold weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like) or sleeping in bedrolls automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Extreme Cold: Whenever the temperature is at or below 32 degrees F, a creature exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 20 Con saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. PCs wearing cold weather gear or sleeping in bedrolls must succeed on a DC 10 Con saving throw at the end of each hour. PCs in a bedroll and in a tent/shelter automatically succeed on the saving throw.
Precipitation: If the weather is Cold and it’s raining or snowing, PCs must succeed on a DC 10 Con saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of Exhaustion. If the PC is not wearing cold weather gear, they have disadvantage on the saving throw.
If a PC attempts a Long Rest in the rain without a tent/shelter, they regain only one quarter of their spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If they have any levels of Exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce their Exhaustion level.
Resting and Sleep
Long Rests
PCs need to take one long rest per 24-hour day.
At the end of a long rest in the wilderness, expended class abilities are not restored automatically. Instead, each player rolls 2d6:
- 2-5: None of the character’s expended abilities are restored.
- 6-8: Half of the character’s expended abilities are restored.
- 9-10: Three quarters of the character’s expended abilities are restored.
- 11-12: All the character’s expended abilities are restored.
Expended abilities include number of spell slots used, number of rages used, number of invocations used, number of Action Surges used, and so on. Round down if required. The player decides which abilities are recovered.
At the end of every 24-hour period, if a PC has failed to take a long rest, they must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution save or suffer one level of Exhaustion. Subsequent 24-hour periods without a long rest increase the DC by 5 per day.
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer; sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to recover fully during a long rest.
When a PC finishes a long rest while sleeping in medium or heavy armor, they regain only one quarter of their spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die). If they have any levels of Exhaustion, the rest doesn’t reduce their Exhaustion level.
Short Rests
PCs cannot recover hit points at the end of a short rest without expending one use of a Healer’s Kit.
Movement and other Actions
Making the assumptions that:
- The travel day is eight hours
- The party is moving at Normal Travel Pace
Each PC gets 24 Movement Points (MP) per day.
PCs can spend MP in the following ways:
- Move – Spend 1 MP to move one mile
- Foraging in place – Spend 3 MP to forage for one hour, within a one mile radius
- Foraging while moving – Spend 1 MP to move one mile and forage as you go
- Hunting – Spend 3 MP to hunt for one hour, within a one mile radius
- Fishing – Spend 3 MP to fish for one hour
- Keeping Watch – Spend 1 MP to move one mile and keep watch for hidden threats
- Map Making – Spend 1 MP to move one mile and draw a map of the party’s travels
- Make Camp – Spend 1 MP to find a suitable campsite to camp for the night
- Navigating – Spend 1 MP to move one mile and direct the party toward their chosen destination
- Pathfinding – Spend 1 MP to move 1/2 mile and blaze a trail for the party
- Scouting – Spend 3 MP to reveal any hidden features within a one mile radius
- Tracking – Spend 1 MP to find a trail to track
Descriptions of MP actions
- Foraging in place allows a PC to roam within a one mile radius, looking for sources of food and water. Use the DCs from the DMG. Foraging in place gives a small chance of finding rare plants or herbs.
- Foraging while moving allows a PC to look for food and water while moving. Use the DCs from the DMG but add a +10 modifier. Foraging while moving gives a very small chance of finding rare plants or herbs.
- Hunting allows a PC to roam within a one mile radius, either hunting or trapping small to medium sized game. The PC makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to see if they succeed. Any meat that is eaten raw gives a high chance of becoming Sick (see Food & Drink). Cooked meat served with foraged vegetables is treated as Standard Rations. Any meat not immediately cooked is considered Spoiled as of the next day and must be discarded. Any PC eating Spoiled meat is guaranteed to get Sick and must pass a DC 25 Con check or become Diseased (use Sewer Plague).
- Fishing allows a PC to fish in any river, pond, or lake. It requires fishing tackle. The PC makes a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to see if they succeed. Any fish that is eaten raw gives a small chance of becoming Sick. Cooked fish served with foraged vegetables is treated as Standard Rations. Any fish not immediately cooked is considered Spoiled as of the next day and must be discarded. Any PC eating Spoiled fish is guaranteed to get Sick and may also contract a disease.
- Make Camp – During Spring, Summer, or Fall season, there is enough daylight outside of the normal travel day to find a campsite without spending MP. Only in Winter, when the daylight hours are short, does a PC need to spend MP to find one. If a PC spends one MP to Make Camp, they have a chance to find an exceptional campsite (which usually affords the party against inclement weather and/or wandering monsters).
- Navigating – As per the standard 5e rules.
- Pathfinding – The PC moves more slowly but marks the path that the party is taking. The Pathfinder does this by carving glyphs into trees, stacking small rocks on top of each other, noting obvious landmarks, etc… Once a path is marked, as long as the marks aren’t tampered with, the party can follow the path and not get lost.
- Scouting – The PC explores a one mile sub hex, looking for lairs, secret entrances, game trails, etc. There are 25 one mile sub-hexes within a six mile hex, so completely Scouting a six mile hex requires 75 MP, or a little over three days. There are obscure features in some hexes that will only be discovered by Scouting.
- Tracking – As per the standard 5e rules.
Banned spells
The following spells have been removed from play or altered:
- Create Food and Water
- Create or Destroy Water is now Destroy Water
- Goodberry
- Heroes’ Feast
- Leomund's Tiny Hut
- Magnificent Mansion
- Purify Food and Drink