Alatar Diaz
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Alatar Diaz
Human Ley Lline Walker L1 (XP: 0/2240)
Alignment: Scrupulous (Good)
The illegitimate child of a minor noble and a wandering
Intelligence Quotient: 18 (+4% all skills)
Mental Endurance: 10
Mental Affinity: 9
Physical Strength: 12
Physical Prowess: 16 (+1 parry/dodge, +1 strike)
Physical Endurance: 19 (+8% v coma/death, +2 save v magic/poison)
Physical Beauty: 5 (-5% gambling/intelligence gathering/performance/public speaking/undercover ops/similar, -20% seduction, +5% interrogation)
Speed: 12
S.D.C.: 34
Hit Points: 21
Potential Psychic Energy: 119
Inner Strength Points: 15
- Curses/Disease/Lethal Poison 12+
- Non-Lethal Poison 14+
- Harmful Drugs 13+
- Insanity 12+
- Magic 10-14+
- Psionics 12+
+4 v horror, +3 v possession/mind control
Light Walker Armor (40 MDC)
4 actions/round
+2 to pull punch
+2 to roll with hit
+1 parry/dodge
+1 strike melee
+1 strike w/rifle
+2 strike w/Electric Arc
Kick 2d4
AK-47 4d6, 1200'
Electric Arc 2d6MD, 30'
- Communication: Speak American 98%, Speak Elven 74%, Speak Spanish 74%, Literacy American [Secondary] 44%, Literacy Elven [Secondary] 44%
- Domestic: Cook [Related] 49%
- Espionage: Intelligence [Related] 41%
- Medical: First Aid 54%
- Physical: Climbing 54%, Gymnastics [Secondary] (balance 54%, parallel bars/rings 64%, backflip 74%, prowl 34%, climb rope/rappel 64%), Outdoorsmanship [Secondary]
- Pilot: Hovercraft 59%
- Science: Astronomy & Navigation [Related] 54%, Mathematics (Basic) 59%, Mathematics (Advanced) [Related] 59%,
- Technical: Lore: Demon & Monster 49%, Lore: D-Bee 39%, Lore: Faeries & Magic Creatures 39%, Lore: Magic 44% (recognize symbols 34%, recognize enchantment 29%), Lore: Psionics 39%, Mythology [Related] 39%,
- Wilderness: Land Navigation 44%, Wilderness Survival 49%, Identify Plants & Fruit [Secondary] 34%, Preserve Food [Secondary] 34%, Dowsing [Outdoorsmanship] 5%, Fasting [Outdoorsmanship] 5%
- W.P.: Rifles [Related]
- Hand to Hand Basic
Special Abilities
Ley Line Walker
- Sense Ley Line & Magic Energy
- Sense Ley Line feel/locate ley lines in 10mile/level radius, can tell if near/far, 30% (+5%/level)
- Sense Ley Line Nexus detect nexus on line, 40%(+5%/level)
- Sense Rift feel rift open/close in 50mile(+10mile/level), can tell near/far and big/small, knows exact location if on ley line
- Sense Magic Use sense spell-use/rifting/tech-wizardry in 100'/level, note does not include psionics
- Sense Magic Energy see presence of 20+ PPE in LoS, use 1 attack to use to detect invis (does not work vs Invisibility, Superior)
- Read Ley Lines automatically know direction, length, locations of nexus/rifts/natural disasters on any ley line
- Ley Line Transmission send verbal/visual message to anyone along line, 1 recipient/level, 20% for Telepaths to detect, 31% chance to eavesdrop
- Ley Line Phasing flawless teleportation in ley line, takes 1d4 melee of concentration, any direction (even off ground), max 4/hr, 4+2/level/day, must use nexus to switch lines
- Line Drifting can float along ley line, speed factor 10
- Ley Line Rejuvenation double natural healing on ley line, 1/day heal 20+1d6/level HP and 20+2d6/level SDC after 10 minutes concentration
- Ley Line Observation Ball create soccer-ball sized sphere, 1MDC/level, spd44, can range 500'/level, +3 to dodge, can see through it, must stay in ley line
- Affinity to Rift/Ley Line Magic 1/level-up spend 48 hours meditating at ley line to learn 1 spell from select list
- Ley Line Force Field 10PPE to summon 20+2/level MDC armor, also halves ambient ley line energy available
- Spell Knowledge 1/level-up gain a new spell of level less than or equal to new level
- Supplemental PPE and Recovery can dray 20PPE/round on ley line, 40PPE/round at nexus, recover 7PPE/hour rest, 15PPE/hour meditation
- Bonuses +4 v horror factor, +2 v possession/mind control, +3 v curses
- 1st Level:
- Cloud of Smoke 2 PPE, create 30^3 dense black smoke cloud in 90' lasting 1 minute/level, cannot see through/out of cloud, -5 strike/parry/dodge/disarm/entangle
- Sense Evil 2 PPE, feel supernatural evil in 90' for 2 minutes/level, can tell rough number and location, can directly determine diabolic alignment
- Thunderclap 4 PPE, +5 init, +1 strike/parry/dodge to caster, horror factor 8 in 30', audible 1 mile away
- 2nd Level:
- Befuddle 6 PPE, -2 strike/parry/dodge, 1/2 attacks/melee, -20% all skills to single target in 100' for 2 minutes/level, save vs magic
- Extinguish Fire 4 PPE, extinguish 40' diameter area of fire within 80+10'/level/melee for 1 minute/level
- Fear 5 PPE, create 20' diameter area of fear within 100' for 1 minute/level, horror factor 16, lose init, 1 attack, go last, and no defense on first attack
- 3rd Level:
- Armor of Ithan 10 PPE, give 10MDC/level armor to self/touched other for 1 minute/level, half damage from magic fire, lightning, and cold
- Breathe Without Air 5 PPE, grant normal function without air to up to two creatures touched for 3 minutes/level, can include self
- Paralysis: Lesser 5 PPE, paralyze limb of single target in 60' for 1 minute/level, save vs magic
- 4th Level:
- Charismatic Aura 10 PPE, gain +8PB and charm all in 60' to trust/fear/deceive for 1.5 minutes/level, save vs magic
- Magic Net 7 PPE, snare targets in 10' area in 60' for 1/2 minutes/level, only MDC damage can break net, 1/2 minute to snap, dodge 16
- Electric Arc 8 PPE, throw arc of electricity 30'/level as attack for 1 round (attack used for initial casting gets no arc), 2d6 MDC
Psionics (Minor Sensitive)
- Empathy: 100' area, 2 minutes(8 melees)/level, 4 ISP; become aware of/feel emotions of people/animals/supernaturals; stronger emotions easier; cannot pinpoint invisible/hiding; can serve as very rudimentary lie detector; can save once per melee to block for round
- Telepathy: 60' read thoughts, 140'+40'/level send thoughts, 2 minutes(8 melees)/level, 4 ISP; read surface thoughts of individual in range; send directed thought message to individual, must be clear and concise; can save to block probing if aware
Standard Ley Line Walker Gear
- Cape
- Clothing
- Traveling Clothing
- Light MDC Armor (40 MDC)
- Knapsack
- Backpack
- 3x Small Sack
- Large Sack
- 6 Wooden Stakes & Mallet
- Canteen
- Binoculars
- Tinted Goggles
- Air Filter and Gas Mask
- Flashlight
- 100' light weight cord and grappling hook
- Pen and Notebook
- First Aid Kit
- PDD w/10 blank discs
- Pocket Laser Distancer
- Optics Band (200' infrared/ultraviolet, 7' 400x magnification, 200' night sight, adjustable color filters)
- AK-47, 1200' range, 30 rounds
- 1.9k credits
- 8.5k black market goods