Kitsune Rangers
Kitsune Foresters
Benefit: +1 Reflexes
Beginning Honor: 1.5
Skills: Animal Handling, Kenjutsu, Kyujutsu, Hunting, Spears, Stealth (Ambush), Traps
Outfit: Katana and wakizashi, bow and 20 arrows, any 2 weapons; Light armor; traveling pack; 2 koku
Rank 1 - The Forest is My Home
The Rangers have an intimate knowledge of forested regions. All Kitsune Rangers begin play with Way of the Land: Forest at no cost. Taking Way of the Land for any forested region costs one less point for you. When in a forested environment, you gain a number of Free Raises equal to School Rank for all Animal Handling and Traps rolls.
Rank 2 - Cunning of the Fox
Whenever in a forested environment, you may substitute your ranks in Hunting for any other skill. Any time you declare a Raise within the Kitsune Mori, you gain the benefits of two. Add you Air Ring to your TN to be hit.
Rank 3 - Following the Tail
Add your School Rank to your Agility to determine how many dice you roll for attacks. You may add your Water Ring to any attack rolls. Whenever attacking with a ranged weapon, the range increment is increased by 10'.
Rank 4 - Flick of the Tail
You now add 2*Air Ring to your TN to be hit, replacing the bonus gained at Rank 2. You may make an additional attack per round.
Rank 5 - The Unseen Hunter
Whenever using Stealth or Hunting, your 8's and 9's explode as if they were 10's. If in the Kitsune Mori, or any area for which you have the Way of the Land advantage, your 6's and 7's explode as well. These dice cannot explode twice. Therefore, if you roll a 6 and then an 8, it does not explode further. However, 10's continue to explode as normal.
Yes, I am absolutely horrible at naming techniques. This is why I generally try to stick to conversions.
I'm going to ask that no one outright edits my work here on the Wiki, as a matter of courtesy. If you feel the need to do so, please create your own page for the purpose and link to it here.
All rights to L5R and the Fox Clan are owned by AEG, and I am in no way affiliated with them.
--Daermon 14:54, 15 Jul 2005 (PDT)
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