Aoife Grimoire

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Rego Corpus

Blink Step
ReCo 10
R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Ind.
This spell transports the caster instantly up to 5 paces away. Great for getting over obstacles like walls or chasms, getting out of a pickle in general or who knows what else! Maybe not powerful, but versatile and useful. Aoife always seems to 'pop!' suddenly into existence when she uses this spell - it can be quite surprising!
(Base: 10)
Masteries: Still Casting 1

Freedom from the Earth
ReCo 15
R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Ind.
This spell allows the caster to fly. It's not fast - with a maximum speed about as fast as smoke rises - but it's all sorts of convenient! The only downside is you can't stop floating until the spell's duration expires. Aoife's version of this stops and starts on a dime - quite jolting and quite surprising! (Base: 5, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
Masteries: Still Casting 1


Creo Imaginem

Merry Band of the Blind
CreIm 15
R: Voice, D: Diamater, T: Group
A spell that swiftly places an illusory blindfold over the eyes of its targets - effectively blinding them. No matter how hard a person tries, the blindfold can't be manipulated (as it isn't real) so being rid of it is quite problematic! For Aoife, the blindfolds appear somewhat in front of their targets before appearing to swiftly wrap around their eyes just so everyone involved knows what's happening to them.
(Base: 1, +2 Voice, +1 Diamater, +2 Group, +1 Moving Image)
Masteries: Fast Casting 1

Intellego Imaginem

Summoning the Distant Image
InMe 25
R: Arcane Connection, D: Concentration, T: Room
You can see and hear what is happening in a distant place if you have some sort of Arcane Connection to either the location or a person there. If Aoife wishes, her version of the spell can cause a person observed to feel as if she's looking right over their shoulder.
(Base: 2, +4 AC, +1 Concentration, +2 Room)
Masteries: Spell Penetration 1

Perdo Imaginem

Veil of Invisibility
PeIm 15
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
The target becomes completely undetectable to normal sight, regardless of what she does, but still casts a shadow. If Aoife's shadow is positively noticed, it always acts shocked when it happens!
(Base: 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Changing Image)
Masteries: Silent Casting 1

Muto Imaginem

Aura of Ennobled Presence
MuIm 10
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
The target appears more forceful, authoritative, and believable. Numerous subtle changes in appearance bring about this change, including a slight supernatural illumination of the face, a more erect posture, and a louder and smoother voice. The character gets a +3 on rolls to influence, lead, or convince others. For some reason, people always assume Aoife has their favourite eye colour when she uses this spell.
(Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
Masteries: Quiet Casting 1

Disguise of the Transformed Image
MuIm 15
R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Individual
Makes someone look, sound, feel, and smell different, though at least passably human. Aoife always seems to wear whatever she's actually wearing exceptionally well when she uses this.
(Base: 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)

Rego Imaginem

Image from the Wizard Torn
Re(In)Im: 30
R: Sight, D: Concentration, T: Individual
Your image separates from your body and moves as you do. It can speak whatever you say and do so in your voice, and you can see through its eyes. You must make an Int + Concentration stress roll for each solid object the image passes through and for each mile it travels. If you wish the image to be able to leave your sight, you must use an Arcane Connection to yourself (for example, a fingernail or a lock of hair) when you cast the spell. That connection becomes an integral part of the image, and when the spell ends, it falls to the ground wherever the image was located.As your image is away from your body, you are invisible and silent at your actual location. The image is your image, so while you may move it in space you may not have it sit down if you are standing. Further, it appears as if illuminated by whatever light is falling on you, no matter what the level of illumination is at the image.
(Base 15, +1 Concentration, +1 additional sense, +1 intellego requisite)
Masteries: Quiet Casting 1


Rego Terram

Unseen Porter
ReTe 10
R: Voice, D: Concentration, T: Individual
Slowly moves an unliving thing. The Unseen Porter can't oppose intentional resistance, but otherwise has the capabilities of a very strong person (Str +5). The heavier the object is, the slower the porter moves. And if delicacy is require, Finesse rolls might be needed. Aoife's version of this spell is quite sneaky and seems to avoid the attentions of other people if at all able.
(Base: 3, +2 Voice, +1 Concentration)
Masteries: Silent Casting 1