Brahnamin's Characters - Lev2
Dimitri Lev :: Infiltration Specialist

Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Drive | Fix | Know | Labor | Move | Notice | Perform | Survive | Throw | Treat |
Ghost in the Machine: Ain't a system in the 'verse you cain't crack.
- Code Monkey: You are a master at teaching old code new tricks - When you are altering or rewriting code on the fly, spend 1 PP to roll your Trick die and add the result to your total on any Operate roll.
[Highlighted Skills: Operate/Sneak/Trick]
Decorated: You came back from the War with a medal and a story. You’re not sure if it was worth the cost.
- Talk ‘em Down: You have some experience dealing with hotheads - When you try to defuse a charged situation, step up or double Influence. Take or step up a Complication to do both
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Influence/Shoot]
Old Leather Jacket: You wear your jacket so much people don’t recognize you without it.
[Highlighted Skills: Fight/Fly/Sneak]
Signature Assets 

CyberWear™ Specialist Jacket Full cortex suite with universal jack stations and variable frequency bandwidth built into a rugged leather specialist's jacket, for the fashionable ex-military scoundrel hacker.
- Hard Link: Sometimes forging a hard link between your system and the system you want to compromise is the most direct and effective means of gaining access. It ain't without it's risks though - Take or step up a Hard Linked complication to double Operate for an action when infiltrating electronic systems.
- EMP: Sometimes there ain't no time to get fancy and you just need to make it all go dark - Spend 1 PP to trigger an electromagnetic pulse to emanate from your jacket that causes all active electronics immediately around you to go dark. Your CyberWear Jacket electronics, any electronics inside the confines of your jacket, and any outside electronics that are powered down before the pulse are unaffected.
Steady Hands: Despite their cybernetic nature, your hands look perfectly normal and perfectly human. They don't flinch or shake, and they don't hesitate. No matter what is going on around you, your hands know what they are about. After all, that's how they were engineered.
[Special: Lev's cybernetics extend to his shoulders]
- Bionic Advantage: With Blue Sun, there's always a price to pay. Take or step up a Blue Sun Programming complication to step up or double Physical for a single action involving strength or manual dexterity.
- Right in the Phantom Limb: Never know when having a metal/polymer understructure will come in handy - When you spend a PP to avoid being Taken Out from a physical attack or environmental happenstance, you can step back Cybernetic Hands until the end of the Episode instead of taking a Complication. Remove Cybernetic Hands from the Episode if they are stepped below
Monkey Fist Prized for its heft and unparalleled stopping power at close range, this heavy, compact pistol is specifically designed to discharge rubberized crowd control riot rounds.
Scene/Episode Assets
Home planet: Londinium
Religion: None
Age: 38
Height: 185cm
Weight: 90kg
A small ops specialist in the war, Lev attained the rank of captain during his enlistment, and despite people constantly trying to kill him to death, his time fighting for the Independents had the benefit of teaching him a compact suite of brutally marketable skills.
When the war ended, Lev took those skills freelance and never looked back.