In the Shadow of Elsport

In the Shadow of Elsport is a play-by-post campaign of the RPG Blue Rose. The GM is Nick the Nevermet.
Starting Premise
The regional noble in Ellsport is looking to recruit individuals to help investigate and neutralize the increasingly powerful gangs that dominate the docks and lower wards. It is unclear how the Silence, the near-mythical crime syndicate, exists behind the gangs, but it does certainly does. And what of the lost tomb of Delsha Artanis, slowly poisoning the earth and souls of the city?
The Player Characters
- Played by ajdynon
- Played by DaradZhall
- Played by Muskrat
- Played by Silvercat Moonpaw
- Played by Stormraven
- Blank Character Sheet
Elsport and the Southern Coasts