Never Look Back: The Umbra Synod

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The Umbra Synod The universe is full of dark forces. Mad Conquerors, Evil Gods, Ancient Monsters. It’s crowded out there in the dark places between the stars where morality goes thin.

Sometimes, you need to work out a schedule.

The Umbra Synod is an organization of cosmic villains, come together to plot and scheme. From such meetings has arisen great plots and plans, movements and actions which caused the Heavens to tremble.

And so it will be again.


Narothenius Qizhor the Despoiler Leader of the Grey Company, father of Zero

Chazan Zadra

Supreme Oracle of the Order of the Frozen Star, creator/mother of Magnetar


Lord of the 18th Hell Dimension. Father of Shasti

Constance Corvax

Destined to become Doomstrider, God-Empress of the Endless Empire in the 31st century. Mother of Omen.

The Deus Machina Cult

[A Space Pirate]

Employer of The Brain

[A Space Queen]

Mother of Princess Abyssa