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Revision as of 13:21, 13 November 2006 by (talk) (Gear)
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Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Rogue 1/Ranger 2 Tiefling +1LA N N/A
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
4 Medium 21 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
180cm Medium Red Brown

STR 14 +2
DEX 14 +2
CON 12 +1
INT 14 +2
WSD 12 +1
CHA 10 +0
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
19 0 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
2 2 0 0
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
15 10 3 0 2 0 0 5 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
4 2 2 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
4 2 2 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT 4 3 1 0 0
REFL 7 5 2 0 0
WILL 0 0 0 0 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Dagger +4 1d4+2 19-20/x2
Bastard Sword +1 +5 1d10+3 19-20/x2 +1 Weapon
Lt Crossbow +4 1d8 19-20/x2
Spiked Gauntlets +4 1d4+2 x2
Net +4 Special


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Studded Leather 3 0 5 Masterwork

Feats & Special Abilities

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Two Weapon Fighting -2 penalty both hands if wielding light weapon in off-hand (Ranger 2)
Sneak Attack +1d6 (Rogue 1)
Trapfinding (Rogue 1)
Track To find tracks or to follow them for 1 mile requires a successful Survival check. Make another Survival check every time the tracks become difficult to follow. Move at half your normal speed (or at normal speed with a –5 penalty on the check, or at up to twice normal speed with a –20 penalty on the check).

Very Soft Ground: DC 5 Soft Ground: DC 10 Firm Ground: DC 15

Hard Ground: DC 20
Simple Weapon Proficiency (Ranger 1)
Martial Weapon Proficiency (Ranger 1)
Exotic Weapon (Bastard Sword) (Level 1)
Exotic Weapon (Net) (Level 3)
Armor (Light) (Ranger 1)
Shield Proficiency (Ranger 1)
Tiefling Spell Spell: Darkness

Caster Level: Same as character level Duration: 10min/lvl Range: Touch (any object) Radius: 20ft

Effect: Magical darkness, concealment 20% chance of missing attack
Darkvision Darkvision 60ft, monochrome (Tiefling)


Appraise            [C] Int      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Balance             [C] Dex      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Bluff               [C] Cha      8  =  +0      +6        +2 (Race)
Climb               [C] Str      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Craft: Armor        [C] Int      3  =  +2      +1        +0
Craft: Weapon       [C] Int      4  =  +2      +2        +0
Craft: Trapmaking   [C] Int      4  =  +2      +2        +0
Concentration       [C] Con      1  =  +1      +0        +0
Decipher Script     [C] Int      -  =  +2      +0        +0
Diplomacy           [C] Cha      6  =  +0      +4        +2 (Synergy)
Disable Device      [C] Int      6  =  +2      +4        +0
Disguise            [C] Cha      2  =  +0      +0        +2 (Tools)
Escape Artist       [C] Dex      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Forgery             [C] Int      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Gather Information  [C] Cha      6  =  +0      +6        +0
Handle Animal       [C] Cha      -  =  +0      +0        +0
Heal                [C] Wis      3  =  +1      +0        +2 (Tools)
Hide                [C] Dex      8  =  +2      +4        +2 (Race)
Intimidate          [C] Cha      2  =  +0      +0        +2 (Synergy)
Jump                [C] Str      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Knowledge: Geog     [C] Int      4  =  +2      +2        +0
Knowledge: Nature   [C] Int      6  =  +2      +2        +2 (Synergy)
Listen              [C] Wis      4  =  +1      +3        +0
Move Silently       [C] Dex      8  =  +2      +6        +0
Open Lock           [C] Dex      6  =  +2      +2        +2 (Tools)
Perform                 Cha      -  =  +0      +0        +0
Ride                [C] Dex      3  =  +2      +1        +0
Spellcraft              Int      -  =  +0      +0        +0
Search              [C] Int      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Spot                [C] Wis      8  =  +2      +6        +0
Sense Motive        [C] Wis      4  =  +1      +3        +0
Survival            [C] Wis      4  =  +2      +2        +0
Swim                [C] Str      2  =  +2      +0        +0
Tumble              [C] Dex      -  =  +2      +0        +0
Use Magic Device    [C] Cha      -  =  +0      +0        +0
Use Rope            [C] Dex      4  =  +2      +0        +2 (Tools)


Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Bag of Holding I
Survival Gear Flint, fishing hooks, bedroll, whistle, etc
Rations 4 days
Thieves Tools (Masterwork) +2 Open Lock & Disable Device
Healer's Kit +2 Heal
Manacles 1 Masterwork, 1 Regular
Potion (Cure Light Wounds) 2
Misc Chalk, parchment, ink, mirror, etc
Tools Silk Rope (+2 climb), grappling hook


No Treasure Assigned.


No Experience Assigned.


Standing at a good height and blessed with a solid (if slightly slim) build, clad in a traveller's cloak, Coran could pass for a normal human at a glance. It is only when one takes a closer look that the calming red eyes and slightly pointed ears are revealed.


For a bounty hunter, Coran is a surprisingly friendly lad. Although he is usually quiet, Coran holds a calm demeanour and a casual attitude towards life, and is always ready to offer a few cheery words and a quick smile. He has a tendency to clam up, however, when asked about his personal life.


Growing up in the city of Sigil was not a charmed experience, but it prepared Coran well for the future. From his humble beginnings as a petty thief and "courier", the young tiefling grew up to become a bounty hunter of some regard, hunting on both sides of the law.

His fortunes increased, and eventually he was able to move to a better part of Sigil. Despite his satisfactory life, Coran wanted to experience life outside Sigil. Of course, the thousands of portals made travel quite easy. With a few coins, he acquired enough information to enter a safe portal, and began his journey into the planes.

His first stop was a little-known realm called Faerun, and it was there that he landed an extremely lucrative contract: An assassin, it seemed, had made enough enemies in his work to claim a large enough bounty that could fund Coran's adventures for a very long time.

The only catch, of course, was that the assassin had fled to a lawless city known as Port Blackheart. It was said to be a place where only the strong and the ruthless survived, where law was only exerted by force of arms. Since Sigil was pretty much the same, Coran had no problems heading to Port Blackheart to seek his fortune..