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Just a place to store mixed content in process

Michael Watson-Jeweled Amber

Larengar-Braldig's Tinkery

World of Larengar Tech level: Early to mid 2000s equivalency. Population: 11 billion System: 3rd planet of 12. 3 moons. Only easily habitable world in the system. Several large habitable space facilities and a number of moon based habitations. Government: A loose confederation of 32 regions or associations. Larengarian, Orbital, Lunar, and Garalian. Culture: While there is a wide variety of different cultures specific to regions and associations there are a few similarities. There is a strong sporting ethic. Warfare ha been largely focused on the sporting communities. Recycling is something of a common activity. Most dwellings have some form of water filtration system either individually or part as community efforts. Languages are considered recreational. Collections and collection of memorabilia is a fanaticism worldwide.Erasumus Braldig is an example of an extreme form of Collection Mania. Aspect: This world has developed a rigorous set of rules for military conflict that emphasizes victory to acquire goals in a world totally explored. A planetary Congress mediates disputes. Most conflicts are structured events, in specific locations with pre-established victory conditions. Military adventurism is highly discouraged and in many way is no longer practical. Main City: Gorsali, the Capital of Region Four. A transportation hub offworld and major shipping center for commerce on the sea, air and road. Braldig's Tinkery-A Business in Larengar. Propriater-Erasamus Braldig. The Tinkery is a essentially a junkyard and recycling facility. Its a massive valley outside the city proper surrounded by industrial and commercial business. He takes in junk, sorts, recycles, refurbishes and resells. Thousands of rooms and sixteen square miles throughout the vast complex in workshops, storage, display rooms and museums. The place is likely have have a little bit of everything. From piles of swords and furniture to boats, planes and military hardware. Proprietor- Erasamus Braldig. A cantankerous, foul mouthed man guy who is unequaled in simple tinkery. He is a person that casts shadows of nasty old cusses. He makes his own gin, drinks it straight, eats his beef raw, and you can piss off if you don't like it. He doesn't give a tinker's damn about what anyone thinks of him. He is that tinkerer and he keeps his damns close to the vest. He can fix anything.From crossbows and fountain pens to rocket ships and laser rifles. If it hums, clicks, spins, ratchets or arcs he can make it better. The price is putting up with his insults. Amberites are not known for their patience in that area.

Employees-There are numerous encampments throughout the sixteen square miles where people live in various states. Some places look like homeless encampments, some like trailer parks, some like planned communities of tiny houses. They sport food production facilitates, hydroponics, recreational areas and even schools and sporting facilities. Erasumus says he knows everyone, and he may but the motivation for the employees is to help him make the place run. Man of these encampments are connected to certain areas;Vehicle Repair-Vehicle Parts, Furniture and home goods, Paper/Plastics and recyclables, Weaponry, Household Goods, Construction materials. Danos Dors- Community leader, schoolmaster, Manager of the Paper/Plastics Recycling area. Swapper-A youngish man raised at the tinkery who runs equipment from one zone to another. A frequent source to find things among the clutter. Treeny- A young woman knowladgable about the Device. She is almost always tending it. Often around Erasmus, getting him food to dilute his intake of gin. Khonas Braldig-Erasumus' son. He handles the business and the books. An infrequent presence at the Tinkery, he handles the books from his estate on Lunar One. A notable non-collector. The Constant Motion Device: Braldig has a hobby that is really an obsession. He created and maintains the most massive constant action/Rube Goldberg device I ever saw. Balls run down tube, flipping cards, that throw switches, lighting lights, cooking food, changing temperature, lifting levers, and swinging wires. Every action with a half-dozen equal and opposite reactions, no energy is lost. It spans the facility and elements of it are always in view as one wanders the place.

Game Concepts Erasumus may be a shadow of Dworkin. Possibly even one that once had an Amber of his own, now fallen. Might have a shadow of the pattern somewhere in his compound. Erasumus has insight on how things works and would be a good source for explanations about things found in shadow. Possible Stats: Psyche:133, Strength: 70, Endurance: 30, Warfare: chaos rank Powers: Advanced broken pattern, Advanced Sorcery, advanced Conjuration, High Compelling, Advanced trump Artist, Limited Shapechange.