Tristan Cimmeron

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Tristan Cimmeron

Ability Scores

Str 8 [-1]
Dex 13 [+1]
Con 13 [+1]
Int 20 [+5]
Wis 13 [+1]
Cha 10 [+0]

Vital Stats

HP 42
AC 15 in Light
PD 15
MD 17
Initiative +5
Recoveries 8
Recovery Dice (1d6 x 4) +1


Valedictorian of the Magical Colleges +4
Child of Trade Royalty +2
Drakkenhall Upbringing +2


The Archmage 1 (Positive)
The Lich King 1 (Negative)
The Three 1 (Conflicted)


Quick to Fight (Racial Power)
At the start of each battle, roll initiative twice and choose the result you want.

Cantrip Mastery (Class Talent)
Cantrips are at-will spells for you. Unlike normal wizards, who use a standard action to cast a cantrip, you can cast a cantrip as a quick action. If you or your GM create new cantrips, you can probably learn them along with the standard cantrips mentioned above, assuming you can track down someone to teach them to you or you find a written version of the spell.

If you want to do something particularly cunning or surprising with one of your cantrips and the GM isn’t sure whether you could pull off that use of the spell, roll a normal save (11+) to cast the spell the way you envision it. Additionally, you can expend a 3rd level spell slot or higher to choose one cantrip per spell slot you have given up and create a once-per-day related effect with it that is much greater, if you and your GM can agree on a cool effect that suits the cantrip.

High Arcana (Class Talent)
Your study of the highest orders of magic gives you options that lesser wizards cannot match:

- Memorization: Unlike other spellcasters, who can only choose a specific spell once, when you pick your spells, you can choose any daily wizard spell twice. (Note that this doesn’t apply to the very few wizard spells that start as recharge spells.)
- Counter-magic: As a wizard with the High Arcana talent, you gain a bonus spell, counter-magic.

Vance's Polysyllabic Verbalizations (Class Talent)
Most wizards use short incantations for their spells so they can mutter them quickly under the worst of circumstances. But some wizards bask in the glory of casting spells with elaborate titles and lofty vocabularies. If casting a mere “fireball” spell isn’t enough, and what you really want to cast is Rodrigo’s Scintillating Plasms, this is the talent for you.

When you take this class talent, you must rename each of your daily and recharge spells in the most over-the-top and highfalutin’ style you can muster. (You can also rename your at-will spells if you like, but they generally won’t get any mechanical advantages from being renamed.) Better yet, write down two or three full-blown and appropriate names for each spell and use whichever one suits the occasion. To use this talent, you must use an additional quick action to cast your spell. Then proclaim the spell’s full name, loud and proud. Your GM will add some small bonus effect that fits the spell, or fits the way you enunciated its name this time around. Whatever the GM chooses, it should add to the storytelling power of the situation.


Cantrip Mastery (Adventurer)
You can use cantrip-style versions of any wizard spell you have memorized. When you expend a spell, however, you can’t make cantrip-style use of it any more.

Linguist (Adventurer)
If your campaign cares about languages, this is the feat you take to speak enough arcana, dwarven, elven, gnomish, gnoll, goblin, orcish, and other standard humanoid languages to comprehend enough of what most other humanoids are saying or screaming during battle. You are probably not fluent in all these languages, no one will mistake you for a native speaker, and your vocabulary is probably adventurer-centric, heavy on words connected to danger rather than philosophy or emotions. You can also read enough to get by in all these languages.

Precise Shot (Adventurer)
When your ranged attack targets an enemy who is engaged with an ally, you have no chance of hitting that ally.

Utility Spell (Adventurer)
Each utility spell you take lets you cast two spells from the available options instead of one.


Enchanted Robes (Light Armor)
25 gp


