In The Shadow of the Spire:Yanssr Information

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This contains information for use by Yanssr during the campaign.


Confirmed facts Yanssr knows about Ptolus.

House Abanar

A mercantile family, House Abanar commands great wealth. Abanar is the largest house as well as the wealthiest—although probably not the most powerful or influential. Abanar keeps many adventurers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters busy by offering a sizable reward (500 to 1,000 gp, or sometimes as high as 5,000 gp) for the head of anyone who steals from them or one of their businesses. Thus, with holdings as vast as theirs, Abanar always has one or two recent outstanding bounty offers—and far more old ones (some thieves are just never caught).

Available Bounties

Shilukar: You've seen the following "Wanted" poster. Apparently, Shilukar has broken into a number of manor homes in the Nobles’ Quarter and stolen valuables of all types. Many of these homes are owned by members of House Abanar. It is not clear how House Abanar got the dark elf's name (such as through divination spells) without also getting his location.

The Silent Slayer: There has been a rash of murders in the Guildsman District. The City Watch brought in a diviner, but according to her spells, the murderer is a sorcerer named Orden Falcron, a man long dead. Believing the murderer to be an undead creature, the City Watch has called on the Keepers of the Veil, who have had no luck tracking it down. There is a 1,000 gp bounty on the head of the killer, whom the broadsheets have dubbed the Silent Slayer.

Brotherhood of Redemption: This order of monks specialize in rehabilitating evil creatures who get captured in Ptolus. They pay a small bounty for evil creatures who are intelligent enough to reason (only if brought in alive).

Unknown Aarakocra: The Balacazar family have placed a bounty of 5,000 gp on the head of an aarakocra that has been occasionally in the docks area, accompanied by four trained eagles.

Melted Man: A wealthy businessman was attacked three nights ago in Midtown by a "twisted man-thing with melted flesh". The businessman has put a bounty of 500 gp on the creature's head.

Sobac Redwand: House Abanar has put a 15,000 gp bounty on the head of this thief, the most famous (and hardest to catch) thief in all of Ptolus. Most bounty hunters and adventurers who know of Sobac laugh at the ridiculousness of the low reward.

Ratmen: The Church of Lothian has recently issued a proclamation offering a bounty of 3 gp for the tail of any ratman or dire rat brought in.


Unconfirmed rumors Yanssr has heard about Ptolus.

The Shadow Theatre

Only very recently opened, this theater is unlike any other. Rather than showing plays with actors, the theater hires “performers” who magically cast animated shadows on a huge white wall to portray an epic story, sometimes with hundreds of characters at once (in large battle scenes), sometimes with amazing effects like flowing rivers or trees blowing in the wind during a storm. The performers are all low-level wizards, sorcerers, or bards who use modified forms of low-level spells or even cantrips, sometimes as many as a dozen spells at a time.

Rumors abound that the Shadow Theater is connected to House Sadar (a noble house obsessed with darkness and shadows) and is part of some insidious plot, perhaps to implant suggestions into the minds of the audience.