Regents of the New Herd

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The Regents of the New Herd are a family in the PbP Game, Legacy Embers of the Past.


Deep History

Once, there was a war between great nations, and was quite short. Then there was a war between small, remnant nations, and that was quite long.

The Sunken Coast and the Coast of Cities burned quickly in the short war. Then the Makers and Shapers came from the North to rebuild and reclaim during the Long War. The Makers and Shapers were still greedy, though, and they grew nightmares to try and conquer the other Shaper States.

In this dark place, the Wise came together to create the Cardi, and they left the cities of the east. In the west, they found a broken and dying land, but a land that still lived and could be healed. They thought long and listened hard to the land until they came to a plan. They guided the plant life to take a harmonious form, and they designed the sambison to be the holy animal that gave life to both man and earth.

The sambison and the new grasses were designed to exist in symbiosis with one another, as the sambison produced perfect fertilizers for the grass. Their meat was nutritious, and their bones and hides were enhanced to be effective raw materials for production.

Recent History


  • Everyone has a need for your products. Take 1 Treaty on each other Family and Faction. Then ask the other families:
    • Which of you has made agreements with us that might just end up saving mankind AND the planet? You take 1-Treaty on them.
    • Which of you supplies us with resources vital for cultivation? Work out what the supplies are and give that Family 1-Treaty on you.


The Regents of the New Herd are the descendants of the Cardi, and they live a life engineered for balance. They are a literate society, grounding a highly ritualized social life on the scientific realities of caring for the sambison and other enhanced and mutated animals.

Each clan, called a "braid", has its own distinct pattern to their leather and fur jackets. Politically, each braid is ruled by a council of elders, and each braid sends three elders to the annual Drovemoot at the Tether Pole Temple.

Stereotypically, they are a laid back people, with norms against being overly aggressive, overly emotional, and also emotionally distant. Accept what the world is, and work with your cousins to do what you can.

Enemies and Threats

Unfortunately, the Shapers made advanced into the Plains on occasion. One, known as Moldero, poisoned an entire river system, resulting in lifeless rivers flowing into the Thinbog, a strange and dark place where nothing can live save a host of deeply alien mosses and algae. The environment around the Thinbog is deeply mutated and ill.

Another danger of the Grasses is the wrecks. The wrecks are a biological weapons designed as shock troops to destroy settlements. They are huge, violent omnivores that eat everything in their path, ripping things apart with massive claws. When they are enraged, the emit a loud "war howl" that carries for miles, and attracts other wrecks hoping for a meal and a fight. When there is something substantial left to eat or attack, the "battalion" of wrecks disperses. The only good news about wrecks is they are relative slow.

Family Sheet


  • Reach 2
  • Grasp -1
  • Sleight -1


  • Nature’s Acolytes
    • So long as your Family members only consume the food and drink they’ve produced, they will not fall ill or be attacked by mundane wild animals.

The Regents of the New Herd live off highly nutritious and safe food supplies. The more one consumes "ordained" food that is fully enmeshed in a given ecosystem, the more the life of that ecosystem accepts you. Of course, nature is still nature, hungry predators will look for prey, and so on, but the Regents are not viewed as unnatural to the new world.


  • Nomadic
    • The majority of the Regents eternally follow and tend the herds, though there are small, permanent and semi-permanent encampments as well as hidden caches


  • Populace
    • Highly organized and ritualistic society based around its own notions of natural harmony.
  • Style
    • Bucolic and Laconic
  • Governance
    • The Regents are a strict society that enforces many egalitarian norms. The herds are common property of specific clans (called "Braids"), as are other key resources such as medicine. Braids are governed by councils of elders.


  • General: The East
    • The East is a seemingless endless plain, full of high grass prairie, a grassland where the grasses reach up to 10 feet in height.
  • Before
    • The Tether Pole Temple: Once a research facility, this became the place where the Cardi came from far away, and organized the Regency. It is a sacred site and most braids make an annual pilgrimage to The Tether Pole Temple, during which political meetings occur, goods are exchanged, and sambison are examined.
    • The Tether Pole Temple is northeast of Terminus
  • The Fall: Thinbog
    • There is a place to the east that a poisoned river stops in a marsh with no outlet. Nothing grows there, save for a thick spongy layer of mosses and algae. It is a bad place, against the new Nature, and against the old. Sick and twisted things live on its edge.
    • The Thinbog is southeast of Terminus
  • Threat: the wrecks
    • The wrecks are a biological weapons designed as shock troops to destroy settlements. They are huge, violent omnivores that eat everything in their path, ripping things apart with massive claws. When they are enraged, the emit a loud "war howl" that carries for miles, and attracts other wrecks hoping for a meal and a fight. When there is something substantial left to eat or attack, the "battalion" of wrecks disperses. The only good news about wrecks is they are relative slow.
    • Wrecks has a wide habitat.


  • Surpluses
    • Barter Goods
      • "Do you need preserved meat? Perhaps warm clothes or a blanket? Resin made from sambison lymph? Or perhaps a tool made of bone?"
    • Progress
      • "We know our range, and the world we are building. We negotiate with the life around us, and an agreement has been made. Now we must simply survive long enough for the New Herd to come."
  • Needs
    • Land
      • "The sambison need more lands to graze, and those lands must be cultivated. It takes effort to acquire and engage a land."
    • Medicine
      • "Our nomadic life has many goods, but we recognize that you have advanced pharmaceuticals and a surgery facility. Let's discuss pricing."
    • Crops
      • "The Plains are not complete. We have a good life, but our diet is currently excessively based on sambison meat. Would you like some meat for your grains?"


  • Culture
    • When your Family starts cultivating a new product, erase Surplus: Progress, Land, or Barter Goods. After a few months, harvest the product: get the surplus back, plus:
      • Progress: get Surplus: Medicine and 1 use of medicine that can heal any harm box instantly.
      • Land: get Surplus: Crops and slow but steady population growth. At the end of the age, if you still have the surplus gain Surplus: Recruits.
      • Barter Goods: get Surplus: Livestock gain a few exemplary examples of the bred animals. If they’re used as mounts, add 1 free tag to them.
    • At the start of each age you can skip the months of cultivation and go straight to the harvest.
  • Evolutionary Leap
    • When you use Culture, characters gain one of these bonuses (according to the Surplus produced) the next time they Tool Up:
      • Medicine: Your weapons can be poisoned to add the aberrant or non-lethal tags. Get 1 use of stimulants that’ll stop someone’s Death move from triggering for an hour.
      • Crops: One serving of food that toughens skin and gives +1 Armour or provides boundless energy, depending on how it’s cooked.
      • Livestock: A group of animals with simian-level intelligence. They have 2 Quality and one of the following specialties: Strength and Endurance, Speed and Cunning, or Ferocity and Violence.
    • In addition, your Family improves themselves over generations. Every time The Age Turns, pick one physical trait they’ve encountered sometime this Age (night vision, flight, photosynthesis, etc) with the GM providing a downside. Your Family members will all exhibit that trait from then on.



  • Forest-strider Grass-strider gear (camo, mobile).


  • Pedigree animals (land, mount).


    • Rangers (1 Quality, Living off the land).

Characters affiliated with the Rehents of the New Herd