Jensen Hawkins (Jay) 11th Level
Devon Ayukawa
Race Human (Landkin) Sex Female Background Wanna-Be Rocker (Entertainer)
Class Bard Level 11 Alignment Neutral Good
Str 10 (+0) Dex 16 (+3) Con 14 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 20 (+5)
Proficiency Bonus: +4
HPs: 94 AC: 18
Racial Features +2 Cha, +1 Con. Feat: Actor (+1 Cha, Advantage Deception / Performance when mimicking. Mimicry) +1 Language, Knack: Guitar (Expertise with Performance using Guitar)
Background Skill Proficiency: Acrobatics, Performance. Tool Proficiency: Make-up Case, Guitar. Feature: By Popular Demand
- 1st Level: Spellcasting, Bardic Inspiration (d6), Skill Proficiencies (Insight, Medicine, Persuasion)
- 2nd Level: Jack of All Trades (Add ½ Proficiency Bonus to skills without Proficiency), Song of Rest (d6)
- 3rd Level: Bard College (Lore) Additional Skill Proficiencies (Deception, History, Nature), Expertise (Deception, Persuasion), Cutting Words
- 4th Level: Ability Score Improvement (Dex +2); Bonus HD
- 5th Level: Bardic Inspiration (d8), Font of Inspiration (Recover Inspiration after Short Rest as well as Long Rest)
- 6th Level: Countercharm, Bardic College Feature (Additional Magic Secrets# (do not count towards number of spells known))
- 7th Level: --
- 8th Level: Ability Score Improvement (Cha +2); Bonus HD
- 9th Level: Song of Rest (d8)
- 10th Level: Bardic Inspiration (d10), Expertise (Insight, Performance), Magical Secrets% (Count towards number of spells known)
- 11th Level: --
Skills (Proficient, Expertise)
- Acrobatics (Dex)+7
- Animal Handling (Wis) +1
- Arcana (Int) +3
- Athletics (Str) +2
- Deception (Cha)+13
- History (Int) +6
- Insight (Wis) +7
- Intimidation (Cha) +7
- Investigation (Int) +3
- Medicine (Wis) +3
- Nature (Int) +5
- Perception (Wis) +1
- Performance (Cha) +13
- Persuasion (Cha) +13
- Religion (Int) +3
- Sleight of Hand (Dex) +5
- Stealth (Dex) +5
- Survival (Wis) +1
- Cantrips
- Blade Ward
- Dancing Lights
- Minor Illusion
- Mending
- Ray of Frost#
- 1st Level
- Cure Wounds
- Longstrider
- Sleep
- Thunderwave
- 2nd Level
- Cloud of Daggers
- Hold Person
- Witch Bolt%
- 3rd Level
- Major Image
- Leomund's Tiny Hut
- Tongues
- 4th Level
- Ice Storm%
- Polymorph
- 5th Level
- Greater Restoration
- Mass Cure Wounds
- Cone of Cold#
- 6th Level
- True Seeing
- Amplifying Guitar (Common Magic Item)
- +2 Studded Leather Armor (Very Rare Magic Item)
- +2 Rapier (Rare Magic Item)
- Bracers of Archery (Uncommon Magic Item)
- Bag of Holding (Uncommon Magic Item)
- Cloak of Protection (Uncommon Magic Item)
- Short Bow
- 5 Sealed Quivers, each containing 20 Arrows for Short Bow (Kept in Bag of Holding)
- Quiver with 20 Arrows for Short Bow
- 50' Rope
- 150' Rope (Kept in Bag of Holding)
- 4 Potions of Healing
- 6 Fine Outfits (Kept in Bag of Holding)
- 3 Aristocratic Ball Gowns (Kept in Bag of Holding)
- Make up Kit