Kakita Doijin

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Kakita Doijin, Crane Bushi of the Kakita Dueling Academy

Rings / Traits

Air 4:

Reflexes 4

Awareness 4

Earth 3:

Stamina 3

Willpower 3

Fire 3:

Agility 3

Intelligence 3

Water 2:

Strength 2

Perception 2

Void: 3

Honor: 6.6

Status: 1.0

Glory: 6.0 (Topaz Champion)

Insight: 183

XP: 5

School: Kakita Dueling Academy (Rank 3)


1: Way of the Crane - Add twice Iaijustu rank to initiative. Bonus of 1k1 + School Rank to any Focus or Attack when assuming Center Stance or round after entering Center Stance.

2: Speed of the Crane - Add 2k0 to all attacks against someone with a lower initiative.

3: First and Last Strike - You may strike first in a duel if you win the Iiajustu/Void roll by a difference of 3 or more. Gain a Free Raise for every additional 3 above 5.

School Skills

Etiquette 1 [Awa]

Iaijustu (Focus) 3 [Ref] (3pts)

Kenjustu 2 [Agi]

Kyujustu 4 [Ref]

Sincerity 1 [Awa]

Tea Ceremony 1 [Void]

Non-School Skills

Athletics 1 [Str] (1pt)

Games:Go 1 [Int] (1pt)

Horsemanship 1 [Agi] (1pt)

Investigation 3 [Per] (6pt)

Lore: Bushido 1 [Int] (1pt)

Lore: Heraldry 1 [Int] (1pt)

Lore: Law 1 [Int] (Free)

Juijistu 1 [Agi] (1pt)

Artisan: Poetry 2 [Awa] (1pt)

Meditation 1 [Void] (1pt)

Courtier 1 [Awa] (1pt)

Defense 1 [Ref] (1pt)

Battle 1 [Per] (1pt)

Heavy Weapons 1 [Agi] (1pt)

Medicine 1 [Int] (1pt)

Hunting 1 [Per] (1pt)

Artisan: Calligraphy [Agi] (1pt)

Advantages (17)

Ally - (Younger Sister) 5pts [Influence 2pts, Devotion 4, The Last of my branch of the family. She has three food tasters and moves rooms at random. Smarter than me. Courtier serving as an assistant to Kakita Daiymo]

Higher Purpose (Cleanse the Empire) (3pts) -Slay Bandits, Assassins, and Monsters -Foil Plots -Eliminate anyone who indulges in machinations/plots

Lucky 3 (9pts) - Managing to avoid the huge number of poisoning and other assassination attempts largely without awareness.

Disadvantages (+7 pts)

Bad Fortune - Secret Love 3pt [Scorpion who keeps poisoning my potential fiances, Daughter of Courtier who arranged my father's murder, Bunny Boiler]

Bad Fortune - Unknown Enemy 3pt [Scorpion who keeps trying to poison me and my family, killed my parents, daughter keeps jogging his elbow when it comes to me]

Phobia (Poison +5 TN) 1pt [Honestly, at this point can you blame me.]


The World is Empty Kata from Book of Fire. [+xk0 to kenjustu and iajustu rolls for x rounds, where x is current void at activation. At the end of the Kata, lose 1 Void Point]



Light Armour

Sturdy Clothing

Traveling Pack

Topaz Championship Armor (Hvy +10 to Defense, +5 Reflex/Agility Rolls)


10 koku