What’s your story, spacer?
- Class: Human Pacter
- Level: 3
- XP: 6/12
- Skill Points Unspent: 0
- Strength: 6 [-1]
- Dexterity: 10 [+0]
- Constitution: 8 [+0]
- Intelligence: 14 [+1]
- Wisdom: 7 [-1]
- Charisma: 17 [+1]
- Background: Pacter Chosen
- Goal:
- Homeworld:
- Languages:
- Cast Magic-1 (Free Background + 2 skill points)
- Connect-0
- Stab-0 (Any Combat)
- Know Magic-0 (Any Skill)
- Talk-1 (3 skill points)
- Notice-0 (1 skill point)
- Know-0 (Free choice)
- Initiate of Healing
- Level 1
- The user may expend a spell slot to heal a visible ally within 30 meters for 1d6 points of damage per spell level expended, plus the caster’s Cast Magic skill. Invoking this healing takes a Main Action, but it is not a spell and cannot be interrupted.
- Savage Sorcery
- Level 1
- As a Main Action invocation, the spellcaster can blast a visible target within 100 meters with a bolt that does 1d8 damage plus their character level if it successfully hits, with the hit roll modified by their Cast Magic skill. They may use this bolt as often as they wish. Any spell they cast that rolls hit point damage does an additional +1 damage per die
- Spells per day:
- 1st level: 5
- 2nd level: 2
- Spells known
- 1st level: 3
- 2nd level: 2
- 1st level: 3
Cybernetics and Innate Abilities
- Name
- Effect
- Melee
- Attack Roll:
- Damage:
- Shock:
- Mods:
- Ranged
- Attack Roll:
- Damage:
- Range:
- Magazine: [shoot roll houserule?]
- Mods:
- Name:
- AC:
- Mods:
Other Stats
- HP:
- System Strain:
- Base AC:
- Base Attack Bonus:
- Saves
- Physical:
- Mental:
- Evasion:
- Movement Rate: 10 meters/round
- Encumbrance: None
- Readied: 0/(Half Strength, rounded down)
- Stowed: 0/(Strength)
- Readied
- .
- Stowed
- .
- Non-encumbering
- .
-Main Page: SWN:_Prismatic_Spray