Trajan Venswell
- Class: Arcanist
- Level: 3
- Experiences: 0/4
- Skill Points Unspent: 0
- Strength 11
- Dexterity 13
- Constitution 11
- Intelligence 14 (+1)
- Wisdom 13
- Charisma 13
- Background: Arcanist Scholar
- Goal: Prove my theories and get tenure!
- Homeworld: Cirfant
- Languages: Novesperanto, Iris, Aerial Cirfant, Terrestrial Cirfant, 2 Open Slots
- Administrate-0,
- Cast Magic-1
- Know Magic-1
- Know-1
- Lead-0
- Notice-0
- Henchkeeper
- You can acquire henchmen within 24 hours of arriving in a community, assuming anyone is suitable hench material. These henchmen will not fight except to save their own lives, but will escort you on adventures and risk great danger to help you. Most henchmen will be treated as Peaceful Humans from the Xenobestiary section of the book. You can have one henchmen at a time for every three character levels you have, rounded up. You can release henchmen with no hard feelings at any plausible time and pick them back up later should you be without a current henchman.
- Level 1
- Savage Sorcery
- As a Main Action invocation, the spellcaster can blast a visible target within 100 meters with a bolt that does 1d8 damage plus their character level if it successfully hits, with the hit roll modified by their Cast Magic skill. They may use this bolt as often as they wish. Any spell they cast that rolls hit point damage does an additional +1 damage per die.
- Level 1
- Vast Erudition
- You automatically know all standard first level Arcanist spells. When you advance a level, you learn four new spells instead of two. If you are using the Arcanist spell learning rules from the Arcane Research and Development chapter, you instead learn two free spells at each new level.
- Level 1
- Spells per day: 2/1
- Spells known
- 1st level: All
- 2nd level: Genetic Privacy Field, Ghost Field Emission, Shadow Disruption Rubric, Universal Translator Rubric
Cybernetics and Innate Abilities
- Name
- Effect
- Melee
- Attack Roll:
- Damage:
- Shock:
- Mods:
- Ranged
- Attack Roll: +1
- Damage: 1d8+3
- Range: 100m
- Magazine: None
- Mods: None
- Name: Personal Shielding Field Spell
- AC: 17
- Mods: None
Other Stats
- HP: 10
- System Strain: X
- Base AC: 10/17 (PSF)
- Base Attack Bonus: +0
- Saves
- Physical: 13
- Mental: 13
- Evasion: 12
- Movement Rate: 10 meters/round
- Encumbrance: None
- Readied: 0/(Half Strength, rounded down)
- Stowed: 0/(Strength)
- Readied
- Backpack (TL4)
- Dataslab
- Stowed
- Grimoire (Imprinted Tome)
- Rations Ud6
- Medkit
- Non-encumbering
- .
-Main Page: SWN:_Prismatic_Spray