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He was born in 1835, but stopped aging when he reached middle age. He took the opportunity of a very long life to study, one of his interests was the occult. He found that he had a knack for magic, especially conjuration magic.

He was there when DEVIL was formed, the now international group dedicated to world domination. He was one of the first appointees to their inner-cycle. He led the group though it fledgling years and looked to continue for a long time, but one day he touched an object that shows the future, what he saw changed the course of his life. DEVIL would fall if he stayed at the helm.

He related this information to the group and has left on good terms, most that leave are of a more ..... permanently type of departure. He roams around, making contacts and developing friends that can help him in starting up a new group. If his future can be changed he would love to go back to DEVIL.


PL 13 (195PP); Init +3; 30ft (Run), 60ft (Flight); Defense 19/16 (6 Base, 3 Dex); BAB +6; +6 Melee (9S/L Various), +9 Ranged (9S/L Various); SV Dmg +2 (10 Protection), Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +7 (10 Protection); Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 10 (Total 60PP)

Skills: Craft (Create Object) 8/+13, KS: Arcana 4/+9, PS: Librarian 4/+9, Search 4/+9, Spot 4/+9 (Total 24PP)

Feats: Iron Will, Immunities (Aging and Dieses) (Total 6PP)


  • Conjuring Magic (Create Object) +9 (Source: Mystical; Extras: Animate, Continuous, Create Attack [Energy Blast], Realistic, Shapeable; Power Stunts: Snare, Suffocate) (Cost 7 / Total 63+4PP)


  • Amulet of Protection (Protection) +10 (Source: Mystical; Extra: Immunities [4; Suffocation, Pressure, Heat Cold]; Flaw: Device [Amulet]) (Cost 2 / Total 14PP)
  • Ring of Levitation (Flight) +12 (Source: Mystical; Flaw: Device [Ring]) (Cost 1 / Total 12PP)
  • Circlet of the Magus (Mental Protection) +10 (Source: Mystical; Stunts: Detect [Magic], Darkvision; Flaw: Device [Circlet]) (Cost 1 / Total 10+2PP)