Overview of the Vale

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The Vale

Languages of the Vale

Language ------- Speakers ------- Script - Notes
Common All Halfling 1
Draconic Kobolds, wizards Runic 2
Gnomish Gnomes Halfling
Goblin Goblins Halfling
Druidic Druids Runic 3
Elvish Elves Elvish
Min Horned Folk Runic 4
The Old Tongue Scholars Halfling 5
Orcish Orcs Special 6
Sylvan Elves, fey Elvish
Trade Tongue Traders Halfling 7
  1. The Common Tongue of the Vale is the halfling language; it has become so widespread that the other races use it as a matter of convenience.
  2. Draconic is traditionally the language of magic, and most arcane tomes and scrolls use this language. Wizards and sorcerers usually speak it.
  3. Druidic is a secret tongue known only to those who follow the druidic religion and a very few others.
  4. Min is the language of the Horned Ones who dwell in the Dawnforge Mountains.
  5. The Old Tongue is the ancestral halfling language, and is very formal and stilted compared to the modern Common tongue. It is primarily a language of scholars and is used in certain formal documents.
  6. Orcish is a very primitive language spoken by the orcs. It has no true alphabet, but a collection of pictographs are used by the orcs to convey basic concepts, such as “shelter” and “danger.”
  7. The Trade Tongue is less a true language and more a sort of jargon, primarily Common but incorporating words from Gnomish and Goblin as well. It is spoken by traders and merchants, and is popularly used by thieves as well.

Government: The League of Five