Gabriel Roux
Home world:
Physical d8 Mental d8 Social d8
Child Prodigy d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Eidetic Memory: Spend 1 PP to roll your Know skill and add it to your total once per scene.
O Exceptional Talent: Step up an existing Complication to step up or double a Skill in a non-combat situation.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Hard Luck Case d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
O Nose for Trouble: Gain 1 PP when you stumble into a situation you shouldn’t be in or overhear something you shouldn’t.
O Trouble on Your Heels: When you are being chased or followed out of a scene, you may step up Sneak or Trick when you roll to slip away.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Sneak, Survive
Big Plans d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Milk Run: Spend 1 PP to turn a Complication into an Asset [implied: for the next roll].
O Did I Forget to Mention That?: Gain 1 PP when an important detail of your plan 'slips your mind.'
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice, Trick
- Craft d4
- Drive d4
- Fight d4
- Fix d8
- Fly d4
- Focus d6
- Influence d8
- Know d10, Cortex Tech
- Labor d4
- Move d4
- Notice d8
- Operate d12
- Perform d4
- Shoot d4
- Sneak d6
- Survive d6
- Throw d4
- Treat d4
- Trick d8, Gaining Access