Tara Castillo

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Traveller Trade and Shenanigans

Name: Tara Castillo Species: Human Age: 26 Strength: 6 Dexterity: 6 Endurance: 6 Intellect: 4 Education: 10 Social: 9 Psi: 0

Skills Athletics-0 Language-0 Vacc Suit-0 Advocate-1 Profession (Journalist) -2 Art-0 Carouse-0 Deception-0 Drive-0 Persuade-0 Steward-0 Electronics(comms)-1 Investigate - 1

Events You gained entry to the University. University Event: Betrayal: You are betrayed in some fashion by a friend. Gain a Rival or an Enemy. You have graduated from University.

You qualified for the Entertainer career. You survived this term in Journalist in the Entertainer career. Entertainer Events: Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table. Betrayal: You are betrayed in some fashion by a friend. Gain a Rival or an Enemy.

You have been promoted to rank 1 (Freelancer) in the Entertainer career. Entertainer Rank Bonus: You gained Electronics(comms)-1. You've gained the skill Investigate

Aging: At the age of 26 you are not old enough to feel the effects of age. You have served 1 term and achieved rank 1 as an Entertainer. You have earned 2 total benefit rolls with a DM of to your first roll plus any rank bonus and still have lifetime rolls on the Cash Table.

Entertainer Benefit: Two Ship Shares Entertainer Benefit: Contact

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